COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah that’s 1M extra I expect to be doing 300-400K a day by then without the holiday surge.

God I feel so awful for medical professionals. This shit is absurd. The hospitals are already full and its about to get like 3x worse at an absolute minimum.


it’s possible that testing capacity won’t be enough to register the number on a single day

It’s ok. My wife got mad at me and went to bed at 7:30 for asking if the dogs had been out to go to the bathroom. Things are going great.

This is not a shot at her btw. She is not ok and literally nothing makes it better. I don’t blame her. This situation is literally hell for her.


Thanksgiving was bad for us up North and we were doing better, taking it way more seriously and most places had a semi lockdown beforehand. Now most places have a much more restrictive lockdown. The good thing for Canada is we have a good gap between our Thanksgiving and Christmas to steady the ship. The US does not and they are totally fucked because of this.

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At least the people getting hit now weren’t part of the first wave. This will be longer. Cases were way down by the end of April, but the ICU was full until late May.

Lol so what happens if both get pozzed and die before the Jan 5th elections?

Just pure unadulterated rage thinking about this. Out to the bars on Wednesday, massive gatherings Thursday, then off to Wal Mart to get a $200 TV on Friday. Then travel on the weekend. This is going to be so, so bad.


For what it’s worth, my buddy’s wife is a teacher with underlying health risks who’s being forced to work in person and terrified, and their number of fights have gone up by an order of magnitude since she was forced back. He can’t figure out how to help or get her to vent to him instead of getting mad at him.

I know teacher is not even close to the same level of stress to what your wife is dealing with, but the marital stress seems to be playing out in a similar way.

I’m sure it’s happening to millions of couples.


Not sure about your financial situation, but have you considered telling her to just quit and take x months off before a vaccine? Maybe refinance your house if you have equity/etc?

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Freedom. Chessmate libtard.

A quick glance says they get to replace the candidate, but I’m sure it would help our chances.

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We could make it although we are not wealthy by any stretch. She actually had serious surgery in early March and although she was probably physically ok to go back to work by April I encouraged her to stay out as long as possible. She went back mid-May. In the interim she kept telling me how guilty she felt for her co-workers and her theoretical patients. She has loved being a nurse. She came from a family where she is basically the only college graudate. She grew up in rural Kansas. She has told me at times she would feel like quitting would betray all that. I’ve told her she can if she wants to. It’s her choice. Trying to encourage one way or another would not be good.


Perdue is a cartoon villain of a candidate, which is getting lost in light of Kelly Loeffler literally being one of the worst candidates in memory. Perdue insider traded on COVID information too!

I mean, I’m basically never going to be optimistic about anything in politics ever again, but between these two assholes and the chance the MAGA crowd stays home, we’re drawing live.


Yes. Windows should definitely be opened. That is huge.


For anyone who has had covid or know someone-do the symptoms come and go in the early stages? My friend felt bad when he woke up today but took an advil or something and was fine the rest of the day.

meh maybe

I know 7 people that got pozzed. All said it comes in waves. None had 100% similar symptoms. Some had fevers, some didn’t. Some got over it in 2-3 days. I have one friend still sick after 2 months. One was on a vent for 7 weeks but has since recovered. All have said this is something you do not want to experience.