COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Oh come on man lol. Now I understand this bit:

Saying “USA k12 cases were high but we can’t say where they’re from” isn’t proof that “schools are safe.”

Because she’s looking at “case rates in schools” and comparing that to “spread rates” but that’s completely meaningless because people in schools are also in the community and you can’t distinguish spread in community from spread in schools specifically. That’s a dishonest way of presenting the data. Maybe people have pointed that out to her and she’s like “well just because I can’t prove how much of this spread is actually happening in schools doesn’t mean schools are safe” but absolutely nobody is making that argument. People are arguing that schools don’t drive outbreaks because of data from other countries where there was limited transmission in schools, which she makes absolutely no effort to refute, instead just labelling it “misinformation”.

The Nature article is good data and the line this woman is trying to push is clear bullshit, is my conclusion here.

Just ban indoor weddings this isn’t hard

DeWine has issued an advisory against wedding having more than 10 people to a table. We’re taking this very seriously!

Is it unconstitutional to fine people for doing shit like this?

How do y’all feel about someone that you know previously had COVID coming over to talk to you at close distance (with masks on)?

In positive news we may have our first week over week decrease in cases today for the first time in over a month. That may just be because we are missing Michigan and Missouri and a few others today though.

Has the percent positivity gone down?

No it is up slightly based on what Dan posted earlier today. It could just be noise. Maybe we maxed out our testing capacity in enough places to keep the numbers down. We have stopped seeing the giant 50k WoW increases though for one reason or another.

Stop talking about good numbers on a Sunday.

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I’m comparing them to last Sunday? 146k last Sunday. 136k (so far) today. We haven’t seen a week over week decrease in over a month.

3 to 1 we just hit testing capacity. It’s also possible that people scheduling pre-Turkey tests took up capacity in advance from people needing symptomatic tests.

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Not really an option when they see me at the grocery store, I turn around, and they are right there in my face. I know they had COVID and a subsequent negative test, which makes them cavalier about social distancing.

Ban large gatherings. Close restaurants and bars. Pay people to stay at home. Require masks. Contact trace and isolate. This isn’t fucking hard, it’s obvious. But no, we have to sacrifice hundreds of thousands to the god of freedumb.

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How long has it been since they had their covid symptoms?

Maybe a month?

I’m about to return home after almost 3 weeks of hotel life since my S.o. was confirmed positive, was feeling ok about that up until now… Someone please tell me if I’m crazy to go back. Not an easy call. Edit: her symptoms started on Nov 3 and her test result was pos on Nov 16th.

In your spot it seems low risk but if I didn’t like them I’d probably dash away.


Hopefully… could be that it’s a pseudo holiday week for a lot of people.

also covidtracker is saying 150k.

Did she have a negative test?

No negative test. Hasn’t gotten a second one. Her place of work is letting her come back under the policy of “10 days since symptoms started”

Take a test. When negative, cmon home imo. But I’m just a moron on the Internet so I guess you could ask her doctor or something too.