COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

WA and OR are half filled (or more) with deplorables, no?

MA has the GOAT senators but they have a Republican governor.

Within the US it’s Hawaii. Globally none of the US ranks.

Pennsylvania is not a state either. It’s the GOAT Commonwealth.

Good mini-episode from OtM. I posted some of this earlier but the post got garbled for some reason when I tried to edit it. Sry.

Back when all this shit started I rewatched the movie Contagion and made one of my usual long rambling posts about it. I think I mentioned that one of my favorite scenes is the bit where scientists saw open Gwyneth Paltrow’s brain and are horrified by messy goop the find within, because that scene is absolutely hilarious in retrospect. But also I said that the scene doesn’t make sense because SARS was a respiratory disease that doesn’t fuck with your brain at all. Fast-forward to November and it turns out COVID is a respiratory disease that does actually fuck with your brain. So, that’s a point for the movie. I sure got that wrong.

But a thing the movie definitely got wrong was the idea that the Jude Law conspiracy grifter would be some fringe Alex Jones weirdo on youtube. In reality we have the President of the United States and America’s most-watched news channel constantly delivering plandemic truther bullshit.

Also In Contagion, there’s a bit where armed men break into the house of the CDC director because they want access to his secret stash of vaccines. Meanwhile, in real life, Big Gretch and Dr. Amy Acton have to deal with armed men picketing their houses and plotting to kill them because they want all the pandemic restrictions to be lifted. Just imagine armed MAGA crazies breaking into Antony Fauci’s house and demanding that they get jabbed with the CDC’s secret vaccines, think of how that doesn’t jibe with reality. That’s the level of West Wing competency porn Contagion operates on.


Yeah. My wife is lobbying pretty hard for a move out of the country before the next presidential election and its hard to argue.


We are considering it as well. But damn I could really use something closer to 6-8 years to pull it off in style. If we have to leave in less than 4, we could do it, but not without a lot more risk.

MA is GOAT Commonwealth.


PA is northern Kentucky, but uglier.


The toilet paper nonsense has made it down here too fml

I told my buddy at this point the optimal play is to stay til the Dems lose, then GTFO.

The Dems already lost?

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By a score of 41-33, I call bullshit.


2002 deaths today per worldometers! We did it! 186k today. 200k comin

You just blew my mind.

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Covid curfew starting at 10 p.m. tonight in Los Angeles County. Is that when covid is spreading? Between 10 p.m. and 5 am?

So is California (ok, 60/40) but still

I think Cali is more like 70/30?

It’s nocturnal

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lol so apparently this lockdown in South Australia was sparked by a guy deliberately lying to contract tracers. No details yet on what the lie was exactly, but whatever it was gave authorities the impression that things were worse than they really were. As a result, the stay-at-home order will be lifted midnight Saturday (it’s currently around noon on Friday). Exercise permitted effective immediately.


lol. Nice problems to have, though.

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