COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Being near there, are restrictions REALLY being followed?

I mean, quite honestly, the CA tier system kinda sucks. There is still a LOT of shit able to run under the purple tier.

Yep, we are out here in Norcal too, with MUCH less cases than the LA area

Lol Klansky defenders.

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Purple? Isn’t that the color your ____ Turns before you ____.

Unironically posted on my local page.

Probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while. It is painfully and shockingly dumb.

Someone let Fauci stand in front of a flag and say smart things today :+1:

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going to break 2k dead today (1604 atm). 157k cases. it’s still before 6pm on the east coast

Update on case density

Number of states with a negative 7 day slope: 2 (HI IA)

Number of states with >6/1000 14 day sums (NYS in spring): 25

Number of states with flat 14 day sum: 1 (IA)

Number of states <3/1000 14 day sums: 8, and two of those are 2.8 and 2.9

Again 10/1000 means 1% of the state has tested positive in the last two weeks. 20/2000 means 2%.

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In general I think the restrictions are generally followed, yeah - but as you say, too much is still allowed to happen. But just based on personal anecdotal experience, I believe most of the spread is due to people getting together on their own, as opposed to in places of business etc.

In map form. Huh.


“hypothetical” situation. If you knew someone tested positive, how long until you would feel comfortable going to live with that person?

14 days since symptoms onset good enough for you?

I’m going with 21 OR 2 negatives on different days.


Pennsylvania is NOT in the Midwest. You’re better than that, Dan!

California stay at home 10 PM curfew levied. Every statement I’ve seen about it from the right wing amounts to REEEEEEEEEE, GAVIN ATE DINNER AT THE FRENCH LAUNDRY. HE CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO. REEEEEEEEE.

lol @goofyballer GTFO with your CALI GOAT nonsense, your fucking governor used to be in a voluntary romantic relationship with Kimberly Guilfoyle and is hanging out at the French Laundry during the pandemic. Also your Senator is DIANE FUCKING FEINSTEIN


Wrong. Philly GOAT.


MA possibly GOAT has Liz Warren and Ed Markey, incredible history and natural beauty, incredible education, several wonderful islands and some of the most lovely little towns in America.

I don’t actually believe that though. Honestly at this point the GOAT contenders are like Hawaii or foreign countries.



CA may be GOAT but it does have an Achilles’ heel

I will now take my temp? ban


It’s pretty clearly either CA/WA/OR/HI.

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