COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m sure you’re right but there’s no way that’s happening. But hey I just got a promotion and a 20% raise, so there’s that at least.

No you ■■■■■


Bill Gates had a chat with Statnews about vaccine distribution. Pretty disconcerting to hear. He seems to think it’s pretty disorganized like the rollout of diagnostics.

“The whole infrastructure to do the distribution, I don’t see that coming together in a rational fashion.”

Russ on a farm is too close to Russian farms® in these times :eyes:

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Huh? Grass-fed / pasture raised 15% fatty ground beef is great, esp with some Turkish pepper paste. Good by itself or mixed with grain & veggies (quinoa + bok choy in particular).

Since I don’t have a cat, I’d have to run back to the store in order to serve these on Thanksgiving.

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Cliffs: virus is surging despite relatively strict public rules. Private gatherings are fueling the spread, which is scary as we head into Thanksgiving.

Everything Trump touches is total shit. Why should this be an exception.

Franklin county OH just went to Purple alert. I don’t even know wtf that is, but we did it!


My wife just said she was exposed to someone who was exposed. Thankfully they were both in masks and it was a 5-10 minute conversation.

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You realize if every factory went with this protocol that most of the shit you buy and consume wouldn’t get made right? I’m not just talking about trinkets and other garbage we don’t need i mean all of the machines and chemicals that we rely on to live. There are massive supply chains involved with this stuff, the namebrand car and industrial companies don’t really make anything themselves, they source thousands of parts from hundreds of vendors and those vendors source from machine shops and coating companies who source from chemical companies, mines, metal processors etc. The auto companies basically just play robot legos with all of those parts and then boom you’ve got a car or a fridge.

You can’t just shutter all of these plants for months, the world would turn into mad max style anarchy. Without chemical companies we wouldn’t have any potable water, trillions of gallons of water per day would have no where to go but directly back into steams, lakes or oceans because our treatment plants can’t do anything without chemicals. And that’s not even getting into food handling and production.

Yeah most of the owners of these companies suck and only care about profit but the alternative right now is to shut them down and then what?


I think the interesting risk calculation is what you would do if you were told a safe vaccine would be available in March.

I’ve thought a lot about this. And I say this as someone who has played live poker in the pandemic era.

The industries that should be taking the most damage from the pandemic are those catering to leisure activities, such as tourism and bars. Poker is a leisure activity. It’s supposed to be hit harder than other stuff. It may feel unfair to leisure workers, but there is no way around it.

It’s easy to tell myself that the other people should know the risks and whatever happens to them is their fault. The people who aren’t pros really shouldn’t be playing. At the same time, filling a seat helps enable the recreational players to play. Maybe the game would go on without you, but maybe it ends earlier.

Are you the equivalent of a gym owner keeping his gym open when he can afford to sit out until there is vaccine, albeit with a very reduced economic position? Maybe. There are posters here who would obviously see those as the same, a person making money off of a potential spreading event that, arguably, should be shut down by the government. Is it different because you are taking more precautions? Maybe.

I don’t think there is an obvious right or wrong answer here. You could be doing your best in a time of trouble or you could be trying to justify playing because you want to maintain a certain level of comfort that you have become accustomed to. Unlike some people, you at least seem to have a better sense of the math and how things interact.

It’s simple. Governments should be paying people to stay home.


Went to Costco at opening today. Every single person had toilet paper and paper towels and by the time I left the store they were out.

I work for an essential service. We put ridiculously stringent plans in place internally and agreed with the government so that we can keep people safe and keep the lights on (literally).

Starving to death and YOLOing are not our only options. I dont know why i have to explain this here.

Sure its a balance at times, but closing a paper factory for 14 days at 10% positivity rate is so god damn obviously the right thing…

  • for addition info. The folks in our coal mines and power stations are on strict A / B teams with zero contact. We even have auditors at the gates checking that people arent sharing cars into work, as that was seen as a high risk vector between people on the same team.

The researchers in the UK and the Netherlands said it was “an absolutely amazing result”.

The drug is no longer being trialled as the researchers are so confident in the data, but the precise effect on survival is still being calculated.

Other experts have urged caution until the full data is released.

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I mean its the same argument as the OFS debate. A competent middle road is always an option.

Im trademarking this as the false dichotomy of the incompetent.


If I knew I would be able to get a vaccine in March, and return to a casino safely, I might wait. I can’t count on that yet, though. It’s more likely to be a couple months later. I’m basically weighing X hours now vs Y hours later if I sit out and have to go back down in stakes and grind 40-50 hours a week.

Also, if I stopped playing they’d have my seat filled in no time. There are numerous people angling to get into this game.

The main thing is just that I can currently make 5 to 10 times as much, and thus keep reduced hours until it’s safe versus having no choice in the spring. That also preserves my options going forward. I can always stop playing in January if it is the right thing for me to do, then be forced back into a casino a few months later. If I stop now, there are no options - it’s just a countdown clock.

I guess we have no way of knowing without contact tracing, and it’s a small sample size, but I haven’t heard of anyone getting pozzed who’s been playing in mandatory mask games. I know one person doing it a ton in Vegas, everyone I’m playing with, and dealers from a casino here that’s open with plexiglass.

Maybe there have been asymptomatic cases, or people are keeping it to themselves, but I keep asking around and haven’t found any.

I don’t think having 7 people around a poker table in masks is any more dangerous than any workplace with the same number of people in a room in masks. I certainly feel safer doing this 12 hours a month than doing any other in person job 160 hours a month.

I was cleaning out my garage last night and found two packages of toilet paper I forgot I had stockpiled a month ago. Sometimes it feels good to be an Unstucker.


I know one of those deaths, it’s my dads friend and I know his kids very well (3 sons and a daughter, all of them have their own families except one who’s in his early 20s). Pretty sad because they lost their uncle a few months ago from cancer, their dad has also battled lung cancer in the past.

Also I think we hit over 15k last Friday so not a record on positives but the numbers are wild right now

2.5% of the state population has tested positive in the last 46 days with a third of that in the last 8 days