COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Jesus dude. The one thing you share with the Donald that I’m absolutely sure of is that you both collect enemies. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that if you took the Big 5 your agreeableness is <10% lol.

He didn’t even mention he who shall not be named lol.

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Yeah never say a narcissists name. If you say it they appear to bask in the attention.

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The Big 5? Not sure what you’re referring to.

I attempted to make peace/civility with two of the biggest enemies I have ever had here. One person via PM a while back, and an attempt at civility with jal the other day which so far is holding.

I am definitely hyper competitive and have a deep desire to bury my enemies in various situations - especially poker. I’m like the Jordan meme at the felt, if you cross a line and I take it personally, you’re getting destroyed.

I could count the times that’s happened in 16 years of part time/full time poker on one hand, but they were memorable.

It’s definitely a character flaw in many contexts but a huge strength in many competitive pursuits.

I just want to point out that you don’t have to do this. Another option is not respond.

I think you and nun have that in common.


Does not compute. What is this “not respond” that you speak of?


Yeah dude… I won’t lie I want to see every competitor I have in my actual work die in a medical waste fire, and I’ve got an entire arsenal of extremely anti-competitive behaviors to help them show their way out of my accounts. I get it.

At the same time there’s a semi high ‘is this person worth it’ threshold for me, and my inability to just ‘not respond’ to some people is why most of the people I have on ignore are on ignore.

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UK Scientists “it takes 5 days of lockdown to correct one day of households mixing”

UK supposed to come out of lockdown lite 2nd December but Boris indicating lockdown lite likely to be extended until say 21 December so ‘up to 8 people from 4 households’ can have 7 days together between Xmas and New Years, before we lock down again in Jan 21 to correct the 7 day SUPERSPREADER EVENT.

Might work it if wasn’t lockdown lite before Xmas

You can always hustle up some money, but a hot Irish girl wants to quarantine your brains out. How can you not understand.

I trust them both to make good individual decisions and if the decide to take some risk for money or tail then I trust them to do so as safely as possible. What I actually trust is that they won’t be superspreaders


Illinois at nearly 15000/200 today. Both records. That was roughly Sunday numbers in early June for the entire country.

Well, it worked very strongly for Ben. I’ll bet Herman Cain wishes he had listened to the my pillow guy.


To soon, you have to wait 999 days to make this kind of joke.

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Yeah my average indoor exposure to other humans outside that poker game is < 10 mins a month with masks - running into a store that doesn’t do curbside, my buddy passing through my house to my deck wearing a mask, stuff like that. And I try to avoid anything on days 2-7 after a poker game when I’m at the highest risk of pre-symptomatic spread.



Vermont with 148 cases reported today, shattering the previous record of 119, set on Monday.

Don’t worry, starting tomorrow we are going into tier 3 or something which does something which would have helped like 3 weeks ago. This is reason #2 why I can’t be in charge- I’d already have every restaurant/retail/gym empty or forcefully shuttered by now. (#1 is browser history)


a buddy just sent me this slide deck—can’t vouch for accuracy of everything but thought some of the vaccine timetables were helpful if maybe a little aggressive? (e.g. herd immunity in USA by early June which front runs the superforecaster stuff by a couple months.)

Smells like STONKS to me

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Early in the pandemic when we couldnt work from home. I forced my company to agree that if we had ONE case in the building, we would close for a 14 day quarantine.

“We wont be able to make paper and make money” is not a sufficiently good reason to kill people.

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