COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

We were going to do small Thanksgiving with my brother and fam, but my step-f-in-law’s time in the hospital has nixed that. My wife and I are a more likely vector at this point.

Seems bad! This is so damn frustrating.

While children can transmit the virus to each other and to older age groups, there is strong evidence that, with basic safety measures in place, the net benefits of keeping schools open outweigh the costs of closing them, UNICEF added, noting that schools are not a main driver of community transmission, and children are more likely to get the virus outside of school settings.

In addition, using data from surveys across 140 countries, the report found that COVID-related disruptions to critical health and social services for children pose the most serious threat to children, with about a third of the countries witnessing a drop of at least 10 per cent coverage for health services, including routine vaccinations and outpatient visits.

Coverage of nutrition services for women and children, including school meals and vitamin supplementation programmes also saw sharp declines, as did home visits by social workers.

Jesus. I really hate these fucking people so much. The Trump admin people really are just the worst goddamn people. The only reason they didn’t put us all on trains to death camps is that they didn’t win this election. They better not make any plans that involve me forgetting it.


i am slowly warming up to uk calling it “the jab”. at first it was “wtf? is that a medical term?” but now i think it serves an anti-antivax purpose. “you are not afraid of a little jab, are you?”


So what you’re suggesting is that I would be safer working in person 160 hours a month in a paper mill where 10% of workers have tested positive so far than playing live poker 12 hours a month in an N95 with everyone wearing masks in a player/dealer pool of 10 with a max of 7-8 players and 2 dealers present at any given time, in a room with ventilation (4-6 windows open at all times, sometimes more)?



Yeah… most people are taking way way way more risk to put food on the table. This isn’t the stupid ‘I got to bars to unwind’ risk, this is the ‘I have to do what I have to do to make $$$ to pay rent’ risk. I’m crazy judgemental about the first category and deeply sympathetic to the second one.

I’ll give cassette the benefit of the doubt here and assume he doesn’t know that your only source of income is playing poker.

Yah my 75 year old dad lives alone, and hasn’t seen either of his kids since last Christmas. He told me that he went to the casino on Monday because he can’t take it anymore and might as well die rather than be a shut-in. So that’s cool.


I was going to post a shorter and less well thought out version of what boredsocial said. I’m polarizing, and there are a few cliques of people here that hate me. Is what it is.

Boredsocial summed it up nicely.

Frankly this place may be a net negative for me despite the absurd amount of quality information - the trade off is wasting an immense amount of time and getting into toxic interactions. I was happy being gone before the pandemic, but felt like the pandemic info here was too valuable to stay away.

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It’s maybe one clique lol. You’re not THAT impressive.

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Yeah cuse seems very reasonable and is doing what he needs to do to get by. Life sucks and we are all doing the best we can.

I’m all for shitting on someone for holding a crappy opinion or whatever, but badgering the guy’s personal life is too much.



Won’t your wife be upset when you cut up the cats?

It’s not his personal life it’s his work life. These are not the voluntary situations. You get a choice about which ones you’re going to take, and you’re under some obligation to find the lowest risk one you can do, but that absolutely doesn’t mean anyone is responsible for getting pozzed at work if they were risk minimizing. That’s victim blaming. In a very real sense we are all victims of this virus whether we get it or not. We won’t get this year back and the strategies and habits we adopted to get through this time are very likely to end up unproductive ticks that follow us the rest of our lives.

As always lots of people have it worse, I’m extremely privileged, and I’m very aware of how fucked it is that we’re all being forced to make these choices.


Yeah I mean it was literally a risk calculation for me. 12 hours a month now to tread water at my current life roll vs 160 hours a month starting in March going in perpetuity til I could grind up to my usual stakes again.

I’m playing 12 hours a month in probably the safest live poker game in America and using N95s, going outside to eat or drink. I’ve turned down invites to two other games running multiple nights a week where I’d expect to make $75 to 200/hr depending on the night, because I am only looking to do enough to tread water.

I’m prioritizing my health over my income to a pretty high degree, and it’s not like $25/hr work from home jobs are growing on trees for people with a 5 year resume gap right now.

I’m also nauseous every time I walk into the game and have to actively try not to think about it because it scares me so much. So I appreciate those being a bit more sympathetic as opposed to attacking me. Of course there are millions of people being forced into much higher risk for their income, and that’s a travesty. We should all be collecting UBI and/or working from home as government contact tracers.

I think this argument over my poker game has happened a few times, so I’d be pretty surprised if anyone engaging in it is unaware I play full time.

Lol, this headline somehow perfectly captures the fall of the American empire. Doctor takes bogus herbal supplement recommended by pillow huckster to treat covid. Amazing.


Lol there’s the Brits, the burn it down leftists, and the panty-ogling orgy goers. Plus whatever cassette falls into - I dunno where that animosity even comes from. Back in the day the nun defenders, but that seems to be put to rest.

Although Victor basically rages at everyone so maybe that shouldn’t count lol… I just clap back more than most.


Neurosurgeon, lobotomize thyself!


I was thinking about some of the random habits I’ll pick up from this. Like I’ll stop wiping down my groceries, but some stuff in lieu of that I just immediately remove from the outer packaging. That may continue, but it’s not the worst habit for keeping a tidy home.

I’ll probably always wash my hands 2-3 times as much as I did BC (Before Covid). I’ll probably continue to scratch my face with the collar of my shirt or the back of my arm for a while, instead of using my hands.

I think that’s it, but who knows?

I’m a little confused how the thread is simultaneously telling suzzer to fly to Costa Rica for casual sex and condemning a guy going to his source of income for a few hours a week.