COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Is anyone planning on attending Thanksgiving dinner? I’m trying to gameplan a way to do it safely.

I’ve thought about picking up a plate and going home and zooming but idk.

Went by to wish my dad a happy birthday on the 13th and got into a predictable argument. Terrible timing too as my Mom and uncle had just arrived home from a 10 hour drive visiting my 32 year old cousin who is in the final stages of losing an 8 year battle with brain cancer.

My uncle, an engineer, trotted out the undercounting talking point.


I’ve told my mom “No” three times now. I’m sure she’ll ask a few more times before Thursday. I should probably go ahead and tell her, “you and dad aren’t taking this seriously enough for us to consider spending hours eating indoors together.” But I’ll probably just leave it alone. Still haven’t really spoken to my dad since his racist remarks at golf a few months ago.

Fucking boomers.


If you live in a warmer place a patio is probably the second best option. Zoom is best.

We are skipping all of our normal family thanksgiving stuff on both sides.

Wife + Dog + I are cooking a prime rib and drinking all day alone. Can’t wait, to be honest.


Do this. Utilize technology for why it was created. We can connect without being face to face.

Btw, for anyone who does this regularly, stay away from NextDoor threads about Thanksgiving, unless you want to confirm just how much of a super spreader this is going to be. People loudly proclaiming they are not quarantining and are getting ready to do Thanksgiving with 20-50+ size families, many of whom include Octogenarian + members.

Just fucking brutal. End of December is going to be death fucking valley.


Some of my work friends want to have a poker game on Thanksgiving. Last time I played poker with them I won 400 dollars…they’re incredibly terrible. They want to increase the blinds to 2/4 from 1/2, we play basically a split limit where the max bet is five times the big blind, so it’s actually a pretty sizable game. I know I shouldn’t go but I could easily win a thousand bucks and I’m around them all the time at work anyway. Fuck it, I’m in.

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I guess I’m lucky in that my parents take this seriously and have already let me know that Thanksgiving is off this year.


I posted a blog post, first in months.

Now that there are vaccines on the horizon, we are hopefully entering a the final stage of this battle with the Coronavirus. However, now is not the time to relax. Instead it is time to double down. To be extra careful. The prevalence of infection is higher than its ever been and there is much danger in the coming season.

Simply put, don’t be Augustus I Root. Lieutenant Root died August 8, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse. The next day the little town would witness the surrender of General Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia. This is a personal connection, my wife and Augustus share a common Root ancestor from the early 1700s in Connecticut.

The virus is absolutely at its most dangerous. There are more people walking around infected than at any previous time. Rural areas are the hardest hit with extreme limitations on beds, doctors, and especially nurses. We are weary. Politics of all things have entered the equation. Do not let down your guard. This holiday season would be incredibly hard. Hard to stay away from loved ones, but I think harder still to witness the coming loss in life that is largely baked into the recent rise in cases. I see nothing in the data that says daily deaths won’t be about 2% of detected cases four weeks out. So as we approach 200,000 cases per day, we can expect 4,000 or more deaths per day by latter December. If we accelerate the rise due to Thanksgiving gatherings, that could easily climb to 5,000 or 6,000 or more. The best way to love your loved ones this year is via a zoom screen so that ALL of you can gather next year, with no unnecessary empty seats at your Thanksgiving Feast.

For more details on the death of Augustus:


Just tell them you have symptoms and stay home. Then look for a new job.


Me the wife and the dogs. Smoking a turkey on the gas grill with a mix of hickory and apple wood chips. Yelling at the Lions on TV. Some video calls.


I see you’ve arrived at the Cusedilemma


We’re also staying home. Got some turkey legs that I’ll throw on the smoker, turkey necks for gravy and cat treats, and we’ll make some stuffing/Brussels sprouts/mashed potatoes/pies. A meat and cheese plate for snacking. Basically the wife and I will cook, eat, smoke pot, and drink boozy punch all day.


Outdoors at my parents’ house, just the three of us. Scaled back meal, we’ll maintain 6 feet of distance, he’s got a fire pit if we need it for warmth.

Seems pretty safe, and we get to spend a few hours together at least.

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Except he has a job and is doing it for fun, I’m doing it professionally and went 3 months with no income and no UI, facing 5+ more months of that, before accepting the invite.

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Look, I don’t want to pile on, but this is pretty disingenuous. You could also have a similar job. Any openings, @anon10396289?


man y’all are shitty to cuse for no discernible reason


I’ve been looking for an alternative to cranberry sauce. Cat treats would be something different at least.


So there’s a toxicity: quality content ratio that I use to judge whether I’m even going to bother with a posters content. A lot of people are just focused on one or the other, but I think the right way to think about it is to measure them against one another. People who focus purely on toxicity aren’t going to like cuse very much because when he gets going he’s like a dog with a bone (Sorry cuse don’t worry I love you and your ratio is excellent). People who focus purely on content love Cuse because he’s like a significantly ruder version of Riverman which can be really fun. And then there are the bones he gnawed, AKA his enemies… who REALLY don’t like him.

He’s polarizing maybe but he’s one of my favorite posters. Sees the world fairly clearly IMO, which is all I want out of the people here. I’m here mainly to make sure that my takes actually work, to find other smart people’s takes to steal, and just generally improve something very important to me… my perception of reality. There’s basically nothing more important to someone who thinks of themselves as a decision making professional than having clear vision of the world around them and why things work the way they do (this is my opinion and opinions are changeable come at me bro!). Sharp bettors are looking for the same thing, and since this is a community mostly made up of people who are first and foremost good at gambling I don’t know of anywhere better to meet my goals. If someone knows of somewhere better please let me know so I can ditch all of you losers.


We have rented an AirBnB at about the halfway point between us and my wife’s sister’s family. We’ve both been quarantining, well, forever, and we feel pretty okay with the risk.

There’s no way in hell I’d go home to where the rest of my family is this year. They’re pretty much yolo’ing it up.

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similar situation for me. dad is losing his mind since mom passed away. getting more and more conspiratorial and racist even in casual conversation, although i probably notice/am more sensitive to it because i know him pretty well. but cannot bring myself to call because of the arguments.

before the spike i’d hoped he’d go to an all-inclusive DR vacation because that’s what he likes, but it fell through because his passport expired. he’d feel better if he could fade covid, but now i’m not sure what’s going to happen. he might be able to visit in-laws for thanksgiving dinner safely (everyone is quarantining for months), no gym/job/etc. otherwise it’s fucking sadness all the way