COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I wouldn’t bet on this.

This is obviously ymmv territory, but if I’d listened to the advice I got from the urgent care facility when I had rhabdomyolysis, I’d be dead. After taking a urine sample and determining that I probably had rhabdomyolysis, they said they would take a blood sample to confirm. I was like, ok, how long will that take? 3-4 days. Luckily I’d talked with a friend who was a doctor prior to the visit and she’d told me just how serious it could be, so I was like uh, I think I’ll go to the emergency room. Sure enough, I go to the ER, they take a blood sample, get the results in like 30 minutes, and the chemical they test for (createin kinase, or something like that?) was at like 80,000 or some astronomical level (my nurse said it was the highest she’d personally seen). I spent the next three days in the hospital, thankfully, without any permanent damage to my kidneys. The doctor told me I’d be dead if I’d waited 3 days to come to the hospital.

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Nooooooo. Bring back Mrs.

Much better poster itt



Imagine bringing out this book
When the graphs still look like they do. Really learned those lessons huh?

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I’ll be honest, that was one of my favorite foods growing up…

I have not passed that on to my kids

I probably eat 1 of those 1 time a year just as I get my MoT for my car/vehicle and have to leave it at the garage all day & use the bus ticket for a £1.99 deal & grab a chicken sandwich.

Not Tysons though… :chicken:

So today is the first day my small cpa firm has split shifts

We usually have 15 people total in the office, accountants admins and bosses

Since a few people on one shift are set up to WFH yet, we have a grand total of 2 people working from home today

And 4 tomorrow

It’s so dumb.

Get one of those scubas masks with high efficiency filters. Decorate it to look like earth vadar. Add a speaker to simulate the sound.

Run around the office force choking everyone.

That will get your message across.


She is a much better person than me also. I have told her on many occasions to make an account.

Every time I see a CTP report I get more and more upset that they do a 7dma on current hospitalizations. It’s not a flow!

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My company committed to permanent flexible hours (be available primarily from 10-4:30 in whatever time zone you’re in, rest of your hours are up to you) and scheduling, including WFH. They said something along the lines of while they like seeing us in the office when safe, ultimately they preferred retaining people to that and the feedback they got along these lines was overwhelmingly in favor of keeping these policies in place. They tacked on two additional sick days permanently and are letting us roll 2 weeks of time over each year if we have it left.

Some other benefits increases as well (more vacay!), but those were the ones that were directly COVID-related. Between this and the vaccine news, I’m starting to let myself get wildly optimistic about Q3/4 plans next year. Don’t bring me down.


200k today?


200000/2000 is coming today or tomorrow.

Welp, my turn to have added worry due to covid on top of what would normally be enough worry on its own. My mom needs surgery to clear 80% narrowing in both carotid arteries. Two surgeries 3 to 6 weeks apart with a (hopefully short) stay in the ICU after each one. The first will likely be late December, so who the fuck knows what ICU availability and safety will look like then. And the added risk of covid with cardiovascular issues in the interim isn’t making things better.

Just want to give a hearty F you to anybody going to gyms, bars, parties, etc. You are making this worse than it has to be, putting frontline workers through hell, and potentially hurting people who need regular hospital services. Selfish pricks.


Maryland over 2900 cases today. November 1 was the first time since July that we hit 1000 cases, and we’ve tripled in less than 3 weeks. Nov 15th was the first time we hit 2k cases and we have now done so 3 times in 5 days.



We have 121 people working at our paper mill, we’ve had ten or twelve people test positive so far. No way to work remotely for anyone but maybe 3 of us. Hopefully I’ve already had it.

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I previously mentioned my friend’s dad who had a hard time getting admitted to the hospital over the weekend here. He is now in critical condition proned in the ICU. I gusss he finally got sick enough to find him a bed. I have been texting back and forth with my friend who lives in Maine now. He may not only not get to see his dad before he passes but he hasn’t seen him since last Christmas. Just completely brutal.