COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I was listening to sports radio this morning driving to work and they were talking about how we will have a vaccine by the end of next week and so there is no need to continue taking Covid precautions and we can go back to full stands going forward.

It’s infuriating how poor the messaging is regarding the reality of Covid for the next 4-6 months. People need to realize we won’t have widespread vaccine access for a few months still and still take this seriously. I worry that the dumbasses out there will use the imminent vaccine as more justification for poor behavior.

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Do you have literally any clue what you’re talking about?


Interesting question. It depends a bit on the plane config, but, if possible, I think the ideal seat would be a window seat in the first class cabin where a bulkhead was separating me from coach, and the first class lavs/galley was at the front of the cabin.

I think first will almost always be better than coach because there is more distance between you and other passengers. Window is better than aisle because you are less exposed to passengers moving about the cabin. Being further away from the galley is greater distance from the crew (and foot traffic). And having a bulkhead on one side of you is better than having passengers both directly in front of and behind you.

There might be some additional considerations related to the way ventilation systems are constructed, but, I don’t know anything about that, so I was just thinking in terms of minimizing my exposure to people.

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ScreenHunter_1811 Nov. 18 18.24


Sounds like you’ve got this Covid thing sussed, Buddy - I’m all ears

"We do not know if the vaccine stops you catching and spreading the virus or just stops you from getting ill. We also don’t know how protective the vaccine is in different age groups.

These will be crucial for understanding how it will be used."

This article from 9 days ago, is incorrect. The part of the age groups is outdated. The part about catching and spreading the virus is really just a bad take by the author. If you don’t get sick, your viral loads will be lower and the chances of you spreading it is going to be greatly reduced. That’s just microbiology 101. The study doesn’t look at that, because it isn’t really even worth looking at.

If you don’t get ill, you don’t spread it.


Sorry, this article is 4 mins old and still makes similar claims - it was me who posted now claimed 94% effective in over 65’s (Pfizer). Case is still out on US moderna

It’s still unclear how long protection from the vaccine lasts and if it stops people transmitting the virus.

Just putting it out there but you seem convinced so vaccine good everyone - granny’s safe

Case is not out. Your hit rate remains zero. There’s no plausible mechanism or data that suggests this doesn’t work for the elderly.

It’s one thing to be a jerk and well informed. It’s another to be arrogant while not having a basic understanding of the subject manner.


In computer security that concept is called “defense in depth.” Probably other areas as well.

Jfc. The real message now is don’t die or cause death as we are winning the war in 2021.

We learned this summer that a distant Union relative of my wife died at Appomattox courthouse on the day or day before Lee surrendered. Talk about a waste. He was featured in an exhibit, we knew the surname was likely connected, quickly did some ancestry searching and voila- something like her 4th cousin 5 times removed.


Subject matter?

I thought it made sense that, as the elderly seem to die in greater percentage (rate) then the vaccine may favour (favor) them in a different way - it’s seems the scientists and non-fake news media were awaiting that confirmation too, for some reason.

Speaking of - this is pretty amazing:

Apparently it’s a recreation of what it would have sounded like based on seismograph data. Of course it’s been going around the internet as a real recording. Wait til the end.


man you suck

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NYC schools closing.

So I think I had a false alarm. I quarantined myself to a spare room after getting advice from folks ITT and went to bed early last night and woke up today feeling fine and with my temp right back to the normal @ 97.4 degrees. I have no idea why it was between 99 and 100.1 all day yesterday, and why I was so tired the past couple of days. But it seems unlikely to be COVID.


So asymptomatic people don’t really spread it? (I mean people that never show symptoms, not people who have yet to show symptoms but eventually do.)

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Those people are still infected and have much higher viral loads than someone who would be vaccinated, although iirc asymptomatic people are thought to be less likely to transmit.

You should still get a test.



I’ll cite my MD, fuck off.

Edit: this basic stuff regarding how immune systems and infections work. The asymptomatic stuff is just a IIRC, although that makes basic sense too.

