COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Dude you need to get a new job. That shit is completely unacceptable.


Not good.

Are you able to handle the same case load working from home? If so I don’t know why it would be an issue at all. If anything it means more profit for the owner.

This right here is why Mitch’s liability shield is a bad idea. If you get COVID you should sue. I’m not even kidding, someone needs to.


Gawd that is awful. Too bad your firm is so small. Be a damn shame if those instructions were made public.

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Not a hot take but It’s still unclear if any Covid vaccine stops people transmitting the virus, also

There is also evidence that the vaccine protects against severe Covid - but this is based on only 10 cases.

One word, truthers

On return to Germany, maybe she has to quarantine for 2 weeks if arriving from USA but no quarantine if arriving from Costa Rica

Possible but far more likely she has an Irish i.e EU passport and this would enable her to live and work in other EU countries, like Germany

I recommend reading his whole thread. I like this picture


Average American - “My doctor told me masks don’t work!”


oh yeah duh

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I’m on team Costa Rica. She invited you. Do your due diligence on covid safety. Then go.



Right if the vaccine gets you the antibodies to fight it off does it also mean you won’t be able to shed any of the virus in respiratory droplets and spread it to other people?

If it doesn’t stop that, then you need everyone to get the vaccine

If it does prevent takers from being contagious then we only need 70% or whatever is herd immunity.

We do not know if the vaccine stops you catching and spreading the virus or just stops you from getting ill. I mean hopefully you can’t transmit virus after vaccine but international travel isn’t coming back too soon if you can, with or without your proof of vaccination form

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A lot of businesses only value the amount of time you spend at them, not how much actual work you get done. Sure theHip is probably just as - if not more - productive when working from home but if the owner doesn’t see them are they really working?


Not sure how well you’ll be able to spread the virus if your immune system is gobbling it up.

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Because he’s a control freak and he thinks people when people work from
Home it means they just sit at home and stare at the wall.

He wants $$$


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you might be coughing up lower viral loads but your immune system isn’t gobbling up 100% of it. with the flu i think it fights off enough for you not to get pneumonia or high fever, but you could still spread it

Probably the same way you drop crumbs when gobbling up that cookie.

I’m sure we’ll have peer reviewed papers in 1 or 2 months time but, until then, there’s no proof any covid vaccine stops you catching or spreading

Count me first* in line for any EU/UK vaccine though

*about 23 millionth

Let’s say in a hypothetical you were forced to fly across the country in March.

Would sitting in first class be more safe, less safe, or equally safe as flying coach?