COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

With the flexibility airlines are providing now, you can likely book something that’s fully refundable, so why not. As noted above, it’s basically a freeroll. A couple months ago I booked award tickets for South Africa for next summer. If we can’t travel then, I just redeposit all the miles - no harm no foul.

Not my joke but still good.

I don’t know Paul, the results from the COVID 19 natural immunity phase I trial do not look good.

This is the first time I have been seriously tilted by my state’s pandemic response. There were a bunch of cases springing from a pizza shop and there’s the suggestion people may have acquired it through contaminated packaging. Maybe. So they’ve banned takeout, and the result was that people have swarmed into supermarkets and liquor stores. Then like 2 to 3 hours after the initial lockdown announcement, they were like “oh btw liquor stores will stay open”. Maybe SAY THAT IMMEDIATELY. And emphasise immediately that supermarkets are staying open and there is NO NEED for most people to rush out and buy stuff now. That was the most critical thing to stress and they fucked it up. This panic buying could easily cause a bunch more cases.

I also think it’s ridiculous that people can’t go out for a walk. Like people with dogs won’t be able to walk their dog. We have 34 known cases in the entire state. The forecast tomorrow is sunny and 97F. Nobody is getting COVID from walking past someone on the street, especially with basically no cars on the road meaning you can walk off the sidewalk.

Edit: Also one of the rules is that during the 6-day lockdown only one person can go to the supermarket from each household. The rule should be “one adult and as many minors as needed” because if I’m a single mum with kids, I’m obviously immediately rushing out to the supermarket and buying 6 days of food. There’s not going to be childcare, so what other option is there? The whole way they’ve gone about this seems poorly thought out in terms of not provoking a panic-shopping response.


That’s ridiculous.





Chris isn’t in Tas… bah, it doesn’t matter.

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Given the situation Chris described, the restrictions sound absurd, and the callback is absurd; it’s meant to heighten the absurdity of the restrictions in the original post and function as an indirect expression of solidarity. In other words, it’s called being witty as fuck.

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There are no regulations for it but most stores here arent 24/7 anymore. Its not like the people in Tasmania but its kind of dumb. They should spread people out not pack them into a smaller time frame. Especially as things get worse.

Stop the crack, I’m sure the itching will go away

I live 45 minutes from his hometown. They have an amazing statue of him in the park.


Um why do you think it’s a topic of discussion?


I grew up in Michigan. My parents were Yoopers.

It can’t be overstated how big of a scientific accomplishment this is. A brand new 90+% effective vaccine for a coronavirus in less than a year.


I’m super tempted to book a couple trips for summer / fall since prices are so cheap. I honestly think we have widespread vaccines by then.

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The remaining vaccine questions seem to be:

-How long does immunity last for?
-How quickly can they produce and dispense the vaccine?
-Will a significant enough amount of people refuse to get vaccinated and prevent something close to eradication?

I was a little worried about the sample size with the original release although a few of you correctly talked me off the cliff. The sample size is now larger and the data is even better. So it seems like those three above questions will determine how close we get back to normal. As others have said this is a pretty amazing scientific achievement.

I assume someone in marketing hated their assignment so went with that


“After 10 p.m. is when we make a lot of our money,” Chauncy, a host at Patrick Molloys in Hermosa Beach, said. “Usually on the weekend, especially when we’re opened on the weekends until 1 a.m., cutting off our most busy time is going to be hard for every part of this.”

It’s like that everywhere. Business owners only care about their own profits

At the small accounting firm I work at in Michigan, 15 total people here.

So far the boss said
“We are never shutting down again like we did in the spring”

The gov order states all employees that can perform their work from home MUST work from home

Boss says nah. We are doing split shifts. Mwf at home and tTH in the office week one. Reverse week two

But not everyone

The two bosses
3 of 4 admins
2 of 9 accountants

All in the office every day

So we end up going from 100% of us here to 70%

Someone asked “what if someone tests positive for covid, since we are all over lapping now everyone has to quarantine for 14 days”

My boss says “if you aren’t sick after a few days and take a negative test why 14 days”

This is one week after I walked to the kitchen area and there were 12 people in their having a birthday party that the boss was attending. No masks. Small room.

I’m to the point that I’ll keep working but I’m def gonna peter it up if he keeps putting my life in danger.