COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You just made me listen to the Edmund Fitzgerald song

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Gets me every time when the cook says fellas it’s been good to know ya.


I guess the good news is that half the country doesn’t want it. Or is that bad news?

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Truly is a awesome song by a great artist


This thread cracked me up. I wouldn’t have thought there was so much crossover between WotEF fans and meme wizards.


Too soon, bro.

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Let me grieve in my own way.

That song was making the rounds in my feed quite a bit due to the anniversary and the dangerous conditions on the lakes 2 days ago: 50mph winds and 15’ waves.

I’m surprised it popped up here, I had never heard of Lightfoot other than this song and assumed it had been lost to history

Gordon Lightfoot is the soundtrack to my early childhood.




Biden is crushing it!


It was also the 45th anniversary of its sinking a week ago

What do we think about booking international travel (Europe) for July/August 2021?

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I think its possible. If it’s fully refundable it’s a freeroll unless the airline bankrupts. I have several thousand in airline credit from 2020 flights I booked pre-covid. I will likely be booking some refundable 2021 travel in the same timeframe. If the vaccine busts or runs slower just cancel and rebook again.

We are going for herd immunity this winter then topping it off with a vaccine in the spring… assume late next summer should be fine. I’m not booking anything though… want to relish these last few months of my dream antisocial lifestyle…

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I met a very hot Irish girl who lives in Germany on my big trip and had a drunken hookup. She’s decided to go to Costa Rica on Dec 12th and is asking me to come. JFC.

Apparently she can travel to Costa Rica but not the US - not that you’d want to - but lol at us not letting Germans in right now. She’s worked there forever so I assume has a German passport. She says I can travel to Costa Rica - which is just mindbogglingly stupid on their part, but obviously they need our tourist $$.

I just don’t think there’s any way. Mostly we’d be out in nature. The plane ride would probably be the most dangerous part. But then again she might start wanting to go to restaurants and bars.

For one thing I’d have to hide it from my mom completely since now way I’m coming back for Xmas. So no social media whatsoever. Stealth vacation - with all the idiots who think covid is a hoax. Fun.

I did a road trip vacation that was mostly safe except my stupid family insisting on indoor dining twice. But it still wasn’t really that fun - like 1/3 the fun of a normal vacation maybe.

Us? 100%. Other countries letting us visit? 0%. YMMV.

Honestly, hard to imagine any European nation willing to let Americans in when like 1/3rd of us will refuse to take whatever vaccines are out there.

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I’m sure there will be some system of proving we’ve been vaccinated.

So 99.5% chance this is nothing, but my hands itch like a motherfucker.

I started coughing a bit on 11/4, but was out in the cold around a smokey fire for hours overnight, so I was pretty confident that’s all it was. It continued for about a week, and I scheduled a test. By the day of the test I felt better, and CVS’s system was down so they told me to reschedule.

Given I no longer had any symptoms, I didn’t reschedule. I’ve had a mild occasional cough today, and my hands itch like crazy - the backs of them, which is weird. Even the top of my fingers. Places that never really itch.

It’s probably dry skin from hand washing and sanitizing, and cleaning products… But damn it feels weird.

I’m getting tested before Thanksgiving anyway, assuming the plans for an outdoor turkey day with my parents are still on - my mom hasn’t been doing so well lately and had to break their quarantine for an ER and doctor’s trip.

I should probably be scheduling it soon, anyway.

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