COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

if nukes were flying i still probably wouldn’t turn down dinner at the french laundry


Aerosol viruses can stay suspended in the air for frighteningly long times.


It can be either. If I had to guess the indoor ones are extremely dangerous and the outdoor ones are only moderate risk.

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It’s November in Ontario. I’m going to guess indoors?

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Southern Ontario is from Chippewa on down


The good news is the asshat most responsible for the spike has already been voted out of office, whether or not he has admitted it to himself or not.

That’s a pretty good line. I usually say anything north of Algonquin Park, which amounts to the same thing.

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You’d be surprised. Temperature was in the mid 70s here last week.

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He supposedly had it earlier in the year.

South Australia has announced a six-day hard lockdown (only leaving house for food) to put a lid on this outbreak we have. The Chief Health Officer says the particular strain involved appears to have very fast incubation (like 24 hours) and they need to throw out a circuit breaker to catch this early. We only have 34 known active cases.

I’m on board with a short, sharp lockdown to get this under control. Not sure about making it statewide or even citywide though as the outbreak is pretty localised. Also think forbidding leaving the house for exercise is just idiotic.

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God damnit Gavin.

They’ve said no takeout as well which seems like a real dumbass move for a 6-day lockdown. Everyone is piling into supermarkets as you’d expect. Zillions of people crushing together. Seems super counterproductive.


After the first responders, high-risk workers and old folks homes - is there going to be some orderly rollout of the vaccine to the rest of us - or will it be like calling for concert tickets in the old days?


It’s going to be like trying to play a new CoD game on launch day, allegedly


Scalpers are going to take all the vaccines and sell them at a 400% upcharge?


Most of the vaccine won’t be available until after inauguration day. So there will be a plan. With Trump it probably would have been based on how much you donated to his campaign or something.

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Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee


Wow your pony has had covid twice.

Damn. And you guys use Celsius.

Climate change is more fucked than I thought.