COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Get a test, there’s no harm in it. Take ibuprofen and tylenol. Drink a bunch of fluids, whatever you’re willing to drink. My favorite is slurpees


It looks like the cluster we have here at the moment was kicked off from a contaminated surface. Patient zero of the cluster acquired it from her job cleaning a quarantine hotel, but she had no face to face contact with any of the people quarantining there.


Best of luck. Hopefully something else.

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Completely off topic, but curious: Where is the line dividing “northern” and “southern” Ontario?

Depends who you talk to. I would say anything north of North Bay if you were going to put a line. Of course that would give northern Ontario a huge area. I’m in the Thunder Bay area which I guess would be more northwestern Ontario than northern Ontario but whatever. Ontario is too big.

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Some of my Quebec ancestors moved to far northeastern Ontario. Pretty francophone I believe.

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The committee stands ready to re-nominate on confirmation.



Yes lots of the small northeastern Ontario towns are francophone.

Are they confirming smear transmission or is this just speculation?

They’re saying “probably”, like how would you ever confirm it for sure, even in theory? Genomic analysis confirms the woman got it at the hotel, I don’t have the details of her shifts etc but presumably there was too much time elapsed between the person staying in the room and it being cleaned for it to be aerosol. Like I’m assuming they don’t just send cleaners into the rooms 5 minutes after the people staying there leave.

First one was while in prison right? Faaaake

And like magic, it just disappeared!


lol come on dems wtf

Fire them all into the sun, they’re all frauds doing the bidding of our corporate overlords and living by their own set of rules.


People just can’t help themselves.

Over 1600 dead today for the first time in a while. We did see the WoW rate of increase slow some. Time will tell if that is just noise.

Dow 29.8K though.


Die For the Dow Joans is working as planned.


Our corporate overlords win again! Shocker.

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