COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

not seen your MD yet :slight_smile:

I mean cleverer people are working on this than you and I, fella

In non awful Churchill posting I’m wondering what nyc is doing. I’m fine with cancelling schools if you think it’s necessary, just seems like that should be heavily prioritized over a lot of other things they are allowing

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This we can agree on. EU and France always OFS (under 16yr!), apart from CR ofc and yet curves go downwards / sidewards by shutting non-essential shite first to still give the kids an education

In Ohio we have a 10PM curfew because corona is a vampire or something.

Seems like DeWine is Cuomo 2.0 - actually doing a pretty terrible job but getting treated like he’s a hero because he’s a Republican who hasn’t gone full truther.

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That’s what they’re doing in LA. If dopes gathering in bars from 10PM - 1AM is a legit source of spread, then it makes sense. We all know how good drunk people are at following rules like masks and distancing.


I don’t really blame him after seeing idiots with guns going after Dr. Acton and Big Gretch. Why bother riling them up when if no one is even going to bother following any quarantine orders.

And lol Deblasio

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I think 3% is the limit he agreed on with the teachers union.

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please understand how bad Cuomo is

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When they came for the Mega-douches, I said nothing.


Yeah there’s no restaurant going on after 10pm - just outdoor bars with no social distancing and random hookups among the same people for 3 hours.

now some danish study came out and the assholes seized on it as masks being worthless but the study says if a bunch of dipshits aren’t wearing masks then it doesn’t matter much if you have one and you’re surrounded by them.

Death rate is low enough that a huge section of the population won’t take it seriously anyway regardless of what you do. hell even if it was, a chunk of them still wouldn’t

See you in one year

No they protect you and others. It took the CDC and WHO way way too long to clarify that.

No clue what NYC is like, but around here schools have basically been forced to close because they can’t keep teachers or substitute teachers.

Why the fuck are we as a nation such alcoholics that bars are still open? It’s the most obvious low hanging fruit. Close the goddamn bars.


last time someone tried that–they showed up with guns in the state capitols, keep them drunk.

really even if they tried it probably won’t get enforced by police at this point

Meanwhile, in WA:

Washington Congressman Dan Newhouse tests positive for COVID-19

Want to play “guess the political party”?

U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Sunnyside, said Wednesday he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.

I know, I know, too easy. But still.

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1863 deaths and counting today. 4 weeks ago we had a 7dma about half of what it is today. It seems to imply 3500-4000 deaths a day is coming in 3-4 weeks.

What people don’t seem to get(outside of my UP homies) is that is what we will still hit in the future IF we lockdown today. That number is baked in and there is nothing we can do about it. We aren’t going to do that. Instead we will have a nationwide superspreader event in a week. We are truly in a sky is the limit scenario. 5k+ deaths a day in December is definitely possible.

