COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

He knows that it was one of the arguments people used to blame him. If anything he raises their funding the next time and says he’s going to make it the greatest… and uses the budget boost to create something new he can give Jared and Ivanka to feed off.

This thing is going to be large and public. And it’s going to have third rail status up there with the other things you can’t actually touch.

More Dolly love.

On Black Lives Matter:

“I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen,” Parton said. “Of course, Black lives matter. Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!”

And on a personal note, she came to a small college event years ago, had a brief chat with one of my best friends, and helped that friend decide at forty it was time to admit she was gay.

All hail Dolly.


Her Imagination Library has given away over 130 million free books to kids. She’s legit in top 10 of greatest Americans ever.

My pony has given away 130 million books.


So much this.

Truly rare to see a Christian person actually practice the core beliefs these days.


She’s one of dozens! Dozens!




Here to chime in on the Dolly love. Truly one of the only great things to ever come out of Tennessee. She is simply one of the all time best humans.


One of my friends from law school created a public FB group called “Plague Rats of the Metro” for fed up people to post pictures shaming the covidiots. She will probably catch some hell for it but I laughed my ass off when I got the invite.


I was trying to find this but for some reason though it was a Costanza thing.

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this is a different issue than whether the US will invest more in pandemic preparedness, which I think it will.

He can’t be this stupid. He just can’t.

China covid vaccine - free - China and others
Russian vaccine Sputnik V - free - Russia & Brazil only
World vacinne Pfizer Bintech ($3) - ~600m pre-orders worldwide
USA vaccine is Moderna, born out of Operation Warp Speed and Dolly Parton - USA (ordered ‘many’ doses) & UK (only 5m doses ordered)

I’m not sure I’d trust this late and unpopular entry from Moderna

Makes you want to just break a few ribs, doesn’t it?


Your takes on COVID-19 have been consistently atrocious.



I learn’t so much from your takes… just so much. The fact you even think you’re relevant in this thread just shows how mad this pandemic has sent ya ;) but carry on being you, Cuse

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Have you considered defecting to Russia?


Guy at work’s daughter has been sick. Not COVID turns out but he has been coming in anyway before the test and said nothing. No worries though because he was mostly wearing a mask around her…

Must be friends with our can’t stop going to the gym poster.

You trust the rushed Sputnik vaccine but not Moderna. You stanned for reopening schools being no big deal for weeks.

Your takes on this are unwaveringly bad.

Maybe if you listened to anyone in this thread instead of posting your drivel, you would learn a thing or two.

Lol fuck off.

I will. Carry on posting dog shit that gets the same 2 or 3 likes (at best) every time.

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Get your effing pickle ball off my tennis courts. Assholes are taking over with that stupid wood on plastic sound.

seriosuly it’s been great to see the courts get so much use for both tennis and pb. Both really good sports that can be played at different levels and young to old.