COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Man I hadn’t even thought much about how badly the Trump administration would fuck up the initial vaccine rollout. If we’ve got enough vaccine for 20M people by the end of the year, what’s the o/u on how many people are successfully vaccinated by mid January? 6.5M?

Sure they’re talking about using the military, but some contractor of a Trump loyalist like Whitefish Energy will inevitably be hired to handle some key part and like fuck up the refrigeration, rendering tons of vaccine useless. They’ll probably try to cover it up and administer it anyway because they are literally the worst people imaginable.

Or they’ll like lose it on the side of the road. Or they’ll “lose it” on the side of the road and hey look we found a mountain of cash.

Something like that has to be over 35% to happen right? Maybe twice that.

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We are very lucky the majority of the vaccine will be distributed under Biden.


Lollllllllllllllllllll hahahahahahahaha hahaha

Man that’s a good one, you crack me up brother. And then after that we’ll give everyone free healthcare!

Ahhhahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh man that’s rich. Maybe free college! Lollllllll


Eh… I think this cost a lot of money to do this way. This is like the most them thing you could do. Nuke the specific risk attached to for profit healthcare from orbit and otherwise leave everything exactly the same.

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The rest of the world might do more than the US, but there are like huge crowds of homo sapiens congregating in public to protest about missing out on haircuts and free refills.

The US will go back to pre-Trump levels of pandemic preparedness for four years. Beyond that here in USA#1 it’ll depend on the outcome in 2024.

So getting to the point where those masses were expected to be good for months only happens when you’ve just totally lost the game. The game is from the first case until it actually exits the region it started in. Usually that takes a while, and that part right there is going to be fully funded with a worldwide mandate after this shit. How the first few thousand cases go is insanely insanely important.

I also expect the Chinese are in the process of changing the way local officials react to a possible pandemic from ‘let’s cover this up so we don’t get blamed’ to ‘let’s make sure the national party knows about this the instant it’s even possible so we don’t get blamed for it’. I expect everywhere on earth the authoritarians are making that switch.

If it were up to me I would give this to the DoD. They always get funded.

I agree with this, and hopefully the rest of the world takes it upon themselves and we aren’t relied on as the trusted leader in these efforts because clearly we aren’t reliable.

Biden will do as much as he can, but in four years who knows?

I’ve now told my mom 3 times I’m not doing much for Thanksgiving. I expect her to ask again soon. Even though I never come back for Thanksgiving anyway. For some reason this year she has decide to endlessly badger me about it.

She also asked what my Dad is doing. No mom, Dad actually takes this seriously. He does not want to come to your Thanksgiving.

But every time we talk she assures me she’s taking it VERY seriously. Which means wear a mask and do what the govt says I guess. But no plans with friends and relatives shall ever be altered. It’s a known fact you only catch covid from strangers.

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Eh… even if Trump took over after pulling a Grover Cleveland in 2024 (the darkest timeline truly) I doubt he’d fuck with the anti pandemic people again.

That’s less shocking than you’d think. Dolly Parton is a strangely powerful person.


A lot of people think that following the government guidelines keeps you VERY safe, they don’t realize the government guidelines are mostly about avoiding super spreader events and keeping hospitals from getting overrun.

Local health unit just announced our most new cases in a day.

You can add pickleball to the list of activities that aren’t safe.

The majority of the cases reported today are associated with the outbreak of last week or the exposure at pickleball. At this time, the outbreak has resulted in 24 confirmed cases; the number of pickleball-related confirmed cases is 29.

She’s a wonderful person and the more you learn about her the more you’ll love her.


That’s not the darkest timeline imo, but I also don’t have confidence he wouldn’t fuck with the pandemic people again.

IDK Trump is pretty good at self preservation. Even his lizard brain would be thinking ‘don’t pull that jenga block again’.

She’s absurdly fabulously wealthy, she’s never not culturally relevant, she’s a genius creatively and with business… it goes on and on. She was born to a poor family, but something strange happened when that kid was born. If you told me she was an alien infiltrator and showed me proof it would explain a lot.

I guarantee she can pick up her phone and speak with anyone on earth and they’ll give her a solid listen. Just to say that Dolly tried to sell them something if nothing else. Yeah it’s weird af.


She also has a charity that sends books to kids all over the place:

147 million books mailed out so far.


Except they would turn the mission from pandemic prevention to, oh yeah, even more money for biologic weapons development.

No I really doubt that. They already have max funding for biologic weapons development. What you want to be afraid of is ever more elaborate pandemic response plans that require an ever growing amount of expensive shit. They’ll develop real technology in the area the way they always do to justify budgets. It’s fine here this shit is at least real, unlike the fear of losing air superiority.

That requires him to recognize that he fucked up and it was his fault.