COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Dr. Atlas is definitely one of those dudes who has a freezer full of his own spunk on the off chance it’s needed to repopulate the race

He bought Leonard Lake’s old compound.

Texted my buddy like 2 hrs ago. He hasn’t said shit since. I’m at the point where I’m just gonna laugh and say “I told you so” if anyone gets pozzed.

I don’t even try anymore. The smartest person in my family by far flew from FL to WA for a vacation–“can’t take it any more”-- and still goes to group yoga. I am not the catcher in the rye. We’ll see who’s left on the other side and how many funerals I get to (not) attend.


Yea my uncle died about 2 weeks ago. It wasn’t covid related, he was 95. Anyway my cousins said his funeral was for immediate family only because there have been deaths in their town due to funeral gatherings. We are having a memorial service once everything is over. Half of my relatives showed up to the funeral anyway despite being specifically told not to. And it’s not like my cousins can say you aren’t welcome here. We just hoping it doesn’t turn out to be a super spreader event.


Jeez. That’s rough, people need to grieve, but yikes.

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Yea what bothers me is his kids specifically said not to attend. And yet relatives did. Like c’mon man. SMH.

Fake news snowflake, extra 30k suicides per day from lockdowns etc etc

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Look at those slopes. Steeper than that water ride where the kid suffered decapitation.

Bill Ackman is a massively overconfident dbag not a moron. There’s a difference. He wasn’t wrong about HLF being a pyramid scheme… he just massively overestimated how entrenched the MLM interests were and got the when part of the short totally wrong. He thought he would be able to huff and puff and blow the house down but his reach greatly exceeded his grasp.

No I do not like Bill Ackman. The dbag is massively strong in him. So strong.

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This is insanity. I got into hot power yoga last year, and while it is an insanely good workout it has to be one of the worst environments possible for covid containment. 20 people, only a few feet apart, huffing and puffing for an hour in a steamy, humid room. Any group exercise right now is so incredibly stupid and unnecessary.

I thought Bill Gates was supposed to have been manufacturing 7 vaccines to throw away any that didn’t work? I can’t find anything about this now? All the articles are from April. Did this not end up happening?


From “The Daily” podcast last week they said that the Pfizer vaccine had already begun mass production prior to approval. Not sure if any connection to Bill Gates. Haven’t heard if the Moderna vaccine was being mass produced in advance.

Friends (pharmacists) of a trusted friend just told me they are getting vaccines early next week. Also said that starting tomorrow they along with the other pharmacists are basically becoming nurses due to shortages.

From the sports columnist that covers The Spartans. Behind a paywall but this is their pertinent section.

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Randomly shipping vaccines off to Walgreens or whatever does not bode well for an organized rollout. Of course this is the Trump admin overseeing it so it is guaranteed to be a huge shitshow.

Maybe I am misunderstanding and you mean the actual pharmacists themselves are getting to take the vaccine?

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Has there been any announcements of actual emergency approval by FDA yet? I dont think anyone can get the vaccine until then, unless perhaps it’s done under an approved clinical protocol or some kind of expanded access/compassionate use protocol. But I would be surprised if a vaccine could be given under an expanded access/compassionate use protocol.


I just asked for clarification and he said it will be for the use of the front line workers. I’ll ask again and see if he means immediately or upon FDA approval.