COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m not saying they are faking it. I’m just saying that is why there has always been Moderna skepticism.

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Why that would be unheard of!


I would think and hope there are fraud exceptions to any immunity.

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That proves my point? She faces a long time in prison and she didn’t kill anyone. Moderna Truthers are saying that if the Moderna CEO does the fraud to get their ineffective vaccine approved and distributed to hundreds of millions of people, sells his stock on the rise in price, which then goes on to kill god knows how many people, then he won’t face legal consequences? The fuck?

i’m baffled by the skepticism of the results here


Don’t mistake those of us explaining what the skeptics think for actual skeptics. I don’t think Moderna is falsifying anything, I’m just explaining what those people think.

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Now you’re pretending like you were not previously implying that it was impossible that those Moderna people could be bullshitting us, because the consequences would be SO severe that no one would ever consider doing that, and of course I’m not buying it lol

What? I’m not pretending like I wasn’t implying that it was impossible that Moderna is bullshitting us because the consequences would be so severe. I’m not pretending because I’m still saying exactly that, and not implying it, either.

What? The fuck? The fuck are you arguing with me for then? Jesus christ.

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You asked a question, I answered it.

I mean, you didn’t answer it at all.

I also made it crystal clear I did not think Moderna was faking results.

Would have been even more crystal clear if you hadn’t argued with people saying it would be absolute lunacy for them to fake their results here.

OK buddy, you’re right. Billionaire CEOs always face repercussions that are harsh and substantial for any and all wrongdoing, especially related to artificially inflating their stock price. That’s why there are many billionaires in prison, which has dissuaded others from any and all wrongdoing. Our capitalist utopia is functioning well!

LOL keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

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There are dozens of articles out there like this:

If they did create a usable vaccine it would be the first product they ever created that got FDA approval. It doesn’t mean they didn’t achieve it, but that is why there are lots of skeptics out there.


Of course you’re distorting my argument badly. Of course CEOs don’t always face consequences for their misdeeds. I never said they did. But in extremely high profile cases like this, with the sort of egregious behavior and harm that you’re saying the Moderna CEO could perpetrate and skate by? He’d be extremely likely to face extremely serious consequences. It’s totally insane.

You have way more confidence in the system working than I do.

Okay well it’s a demonstrably poor argument then because as Elizabeth Holmes showed us, no amount of potential consequences will prevent some people from brazenly breaking the rules if there’s enough to be gained (and they think they’ll get away with it)

Pretty sure no one in the Sackler family is going to prison. And it took nearly 30 years for them to get kicked out of the company they created.


The Holmes case isn’t analogous at all. That was fake it till you make it combined with a bunch of idiots giving an even bigger idiot unlimited money for her idiot idea. She was probably well intentioned at the beginning but things just kept snowballing and got out of control until she started doing more and more fraud.

Moderna distributing a fake vaccine approved by defrauding the trial and approval process would be massive fraud from the start. And suicidal fraud with no chance of success.