COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


Unless I missed it I don’t think anyone here is saying it is a fake vaccine?


Then I sure wish people would stop arguing with me when I say it would be nuts for Moderna to try to defraud the FDA approval process.

No one is saying that it wouldn’t be nuts. I am saying that the fact that it would be nuts wouldn’t necessarily preclude it from happening is all.

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Got it the day it was available. No hits so far.

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… no one has made that argument, yet you’re still going at it for some reason.

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Clearly this author has never heard of solo cocaine/porn benders.


I mean we got a new, higher-temp vaccine announcement.

Don’t think it’s been posted, but Philadelphia is locking down hard. (At least by US standards.)

Philly GOAT
Commonwealth GOAT.


So I’m going to be part of the problem for Thanksgiving. Whether or not I go, my family is getting together with my sister’s in-laws and having a group of about 25 people outside in their backyard.

I work in a small office with my mom and my sister’s SIL sooooooooo even if I don’t go I’ll be exposed to them. This has basically been my entire covid experience.

You don’t want to go on vacation to San Diego? HURR DURR too bad we’re going anyway. You don’t want to go to dinner? HURR DURR we’re going anyway.

I’m the only who gives any pushback whatsoever. Oh and my sister’s in-laws are one notch below full on derps who hate wearing masks etc. but begrudgingly do it because they’re not full derp (yet). You know the ones who refuse to cover their nose - those derps.

Just venting because I’ve been yelling into the void for 10 months now. I can use any data point I want to try and dissuade them but that’s just me being “negative” and ruining the holidays.


So the Commonwealth is only going with suggestions. I am disappointed in our leadership. Philly still GOAT, hopefully the surrounding suburban counties join in the GOATness.

The statewide approach is basically “If you want to stay open, do your part so we don’t have to shut down, it’s collective responsibility and we aren’t ordering anything at this time.”

Obviously assholes will asshole it up, the rest of us will share the burden, then we’ll all have to shut all the way down cause of the assholes… At which point they’ll blame us and play dress up as like soldiers and santa and shit and storm the governor’s mansion with AR-15s and sacks of coal.

I cannot say how I really feel about these people on the Internet.

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Skip it and wear a full N95 to work for the two weeks after. Maybe even find an excuse to WFH like Mon-Wed after Thanksgiving, the days they’d be most likely to be presymptomatically contagious.

So the polls saying the Boomers turned on Donnie Dumb Fuck because of Rona turned out to be fake… couldn’t even get to the right result one fucking time in their lives out of self interest…


It sounds like within the next 6-9 months there are going to be numerous types of vaccines in wide usage.

Has it ever occurred before where numerous types (strains?) of vaccines were in use simultaneously against a disease? I’m only aware of polio having even more than one choice for a vaccine.

They want the surrounding counties to follow suit. We shall see.

Well, at least Newsom finally decided to make us all purple, 2 week delay be damned. Purple is still pretty open, but it’s closed enough that it should have R < 1 pretty soon.

I would be very surprised if all these nibbling around the edges solutions we are seeing the more sane governors take actually work to a significant degree. It’s better than nothing obviously but the virus is so widespread and prevalent now that half measures are literally too little too late.

We thought that in the CR but that isn’t the case at all. It just takes way longer to recover.

We’ve been on lockdown for 6 weeks and will likely be that way until Christmas at earliest. Took over a month before the restrictions had a substantial impact because of how widespread it was.

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These regional lockdowns are cool and all but mostly pointless without a federal response. Trump still doesn’t have Bush 2 level bodies on him yet but it’s not for lack of trying. Fuck that guy

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