COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

But the owners would be able to cash in on profits now, shield the money from judgment and would probably not do any hard time.


IIRC yes.

The company would not. The owners would. They came into the year with shares in a company worth $20 per share, it’s now trading around $100.

The big problem with this will be people not going back for the second dose because they don’t want to deal with the side effects again.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine is very effective with just one dose.

And if they fraudulently get the vaccine approved it will go bankrupt a few months down the road? The owners probably wouldn’t be thrilled by that.

I think the skepticism comes from the fact it is a tiny company that has never produced a successful vaccine and they have ties to Trump people.


Perfectly describes the one in the Czech Republic

I think there is a lot of insensitive for drug companies to announce a vaccine. We will see if they can deliver.

Yeah, I agree.

  1. Mitigate the virus
  2. Mitigate the mental health/social outcomes

I think this order is correct, but we need to prioritize both. And we’re certainly protecting peoples’ mental healthy by keeping their families alive so #1 helps #2, but there are a lot of additional support strategies that I’m frustrated we’re not pursuing.


I’m not on Team Moderna is Faking It here, to be clear. But let’s say you owned $100M of Moderna stock on 1/1/20, and it’s now worth $500M. You know the vaccine is trash and it’s going to crater back down below the $20 per share you opened the year at, but you can release false info and pump the stock a couple more times - cashing out huge sums of money along the way. If you are sheltered from criminal liability for this, you can make and shield a shitload of money, and there are certainly a lot of CEOs that would do it.


They’ve been working on mRNA therapeutics and vaccines for years. Maybe they have ties to Trump, I have no idea, but it would be batshit insane if they falsified this data and if they deployed the highest profile vaccine since polio to hundreds of millions of people based on fraud the company would be nuked from orbit and people would go to jail. It’s a crazy idea.

They don’t have ties to Trump, and I agree it’s extremely unlikely.



Positivity vs 28 day cfr is def something to look at.

As mentioned, there is an equation out there to convert # of positives and % positive into a true total case number, then use a more or less constant ifr.

Of course on top of positivity, case density vs Heath care capacity and demographics will also move cfr around. But we are looking at long term gross averages and correlations.

Anyhoo I should readily have the data already at least nationally. When I find the time. Got a real paying gig the next couple of weeks.

How the fuck would they be sheltered from liability here? That’s securities fraud, which, sure, normally no one cares about. But securities fraud tied to the deaths of many people in a extremely high profile case? He’d go to jail for the rest of his life!


I thought vaccine makers were protected from lawsuits?

IANAL but can you make a list for me of all the billionaires currently in jail for security fraud, then another list of all the ones who committed security fraud? Then we can go from there.