COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

There’s 18 million total HCW in the United States total. Obviously not all work directly with patients, and fewer work with in high risk facilities. There is 1.2 million active duty military, another .8 million reserves, .75 million dod civilians, and that’s just dod. Add in the rest of the alphabet soup and you have a lot of people who are covered under “national security”.

Anybody use the Vault at home saliva test? You spit in a test tube and mail it to a lab, my wife ordered one because she’d rather not go to a testing site for testing and you don’t have something shoved up your nose. They’re free in MN, not sure about cost in other areas. I’m going to order one and keep it one hand if I get into a situation where a test is needed.

Any worse than the normal aches you can get from a flu shot?

Remove the Rock of Shame and attach the Rock of Triumph!


I was referring to %pos
And adding the info that we are already above 10% nationally.

Its pretty obvious we’re already missing many more cases than when we were at below 5%.

I would suggest that any analysis that excludes pos rate to extrapolate future deaths based on cfr alone is insufficient.

It also doesn’t take 15 mins, which isn’t some magical number.

Anybody who has been actually exposed (doesn’t sound like you were) to a pozz for even a few minutes should be tested and quarantining.

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Man covid test numbers have dropped in the CR. Even for a Sunday under 10,000 tests is ridiculous. Feels like they’re going with the Trumpian “Fewer tests, fewer cases” approach.

That said the percentage of positives dropped to 20 percent. So we are getting better even if tge raw data is a bit misleading.

I tried to order in TN. Said not available in my state.

That is correct, and I believe those are the US numbers but I could be wrong. It’s possible 10M by EOY for Pfizer is the US and 10M by EOY for Moderna is total.

Good point re natsec, I think it’ll probably just be frontline healthcare workers in hospitals in the first round.

I mean they have similar technology to Pfizer, which had like 89.8% or something. So unless both are lying… And the results will run through NIH and Fauci is involved.

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Having everyone quarantine and test who came anywhere near a pozz using phone GPS is ridiculous and impractical. It’s almost like it’s cynically done to placate us COVID-obsessed people.

I mean, most of the staff at my building has had COVID. I know of multiple residents who have had it too. And we all share elevators. If everyone were using that app I would probably get dinged every day. I just assume literally everyone I come in contact with has COVID.

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Sure? Why wouldn’t we. Falsifying vaccine results, getting it approved, and selling it to tens of millions of people who then think they’re immune but actually got an ineffective vaccine would result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and a company-ending lawsuit.

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And we should have enough testing so that you can be tested early and often.

But that would require handling the pandemic the right way and being serious about actually stopping the spread and doing test and trace to get the numbers super low

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Would it?

Or would victims get $17.67 in a class action settlement?


Exactly. The app’s good intentions would be worth something if there were very few cases and a vigilant population. But in the real world there are fucking karaoke bars open. Being “exposed” to someone whose cell phone GPS was near you probably barely even moves the needle as a risk factor.

US has 20m doses of Moderna ‘before end of 2020’


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Wait… wut? What did moderna every do to you?

Humans are so stupid.

If tens of thousands died because Moderna falsified their vaccine results? I think it’d be a lot. It would destroy the company. I mean what’s the endgame for falsifying vaccine results? How could the drug company actually benefit from doing that?