COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I doubt they will make all their data public. But they do have to submit it all to the appropriate regulatory agency in each country where they seek approval.

You should be able to go to and find a bunch of info about the study design, primary and secondary outcome measures, inclusion criteria, etc. This won’t give you the data but it will give you a lot of info about the design and how success is to be measured.

Yeah with like 100M attendees.

On a lighter note, when we passed around a card for everyone to sign and have delivered to the family with flowers, one of my coworkers didn’t read it or realize what it was for and signed it “happy birthday”. Thank god someone read everyone’s comments, I sure didn’t.


It doesn’t tell you what it is based upon? Wtf.

Weird. Your phone has detected being close to someone that subsequently reported positive. Sounds like maybe the grocery store would have been when you were close to other people for the longest period of time?

They just tell you the conditions, not the specific event. Would have been:

Your phone is close to someone else’s phone for 15 minutes where the other person subsequently reports a positive test.

We’re already at 10%. 7da is 9.5% and rapidly increasing


I feel like in addition to toilet paper shortages, there’s likely going to be a refrigerated morgue truck shortage in the next month or two.

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So based on hospitalization numbers, we can guesstimate what positive tests would have looked like if testing was more available earlier in the year…

If you know you weren’t directly exposed to anyone in the last 14 days, no need to get a test imo. Retrace your activities to be sure, though.

It’s possible that you were actually pretty far away from Pozzy McCovid. Your phones are guessing proximity based on Bluetooth signal strength. So there will likely be some weird situations in congested areas where you may be 15 feet away from someone with a wall in between and your phone might guess for some reason that you’re within 6 feet because reasons.

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Or it’s your parents

then I would stop worrying

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And we can reach out to those people and give them help and outlets.

1 stop the virus
2 everything else including this topic plus economic fallout.

Or we just bury our heads in the sand.

Alberta not using it either. The apple version is useless anyway as you have to manually turn it on and phone can’t lock.

Anyone else hear anything about this? (The WCI is well known and well trusted in personal finance. And no way he would risk his reputation imo unless this info was pretty solid.)

Edit: “it” is referring to one of the vaccines.

It sounds to me like you don’t need to be tested. However, if you’re worried about it and going to lose sleep over it, you might as well just get a test. If they’re free in USA#172, I assume you Canadians get like a $20 voucher for Tim Horton’s and a free pony with your test.


Yeah the one we have in PA is pretty useless for me because I’m not leaving my location on when I’m at home and draining my battery that fast, then I typically forget to turn it on when I’m out unless I need it. For our next pandemic in 10-50 years, they need to figure something out for that.

I was just listening to MSNBC on my way to pick up my curbside coffee, and they had some expert on who was talking about emergency use authorizations for Pfizer and Moderna by the end of Nov/early Dec, and they’re talking about 20 million doses by the end of the year between them. Stands to reason a lot of doctors and nurses could be getting the vaccine in December.

The Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Diwali/Winter Solstice gift they all so truly deserve. Let’s hope.


As an EM doc, not sure why an EM doc would have that information. Not sure who ‘they’ is and on and on.

edit: could they be talking about the AZ vaccine study? Would make sense that they’d be enrolling still.