COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I do occasionally wish that we had some powerful ruthless people on the government side of things that would do something like sign a huge contract for the vaccine and then while the pharma corps are popping champagne pass legislation that taxes the shit out pharma companies with big government contracts that don’t, say, increase non-officer wages by 5%. Why are corps alway allowed to game tax systems and governments never get a chance to flip the table on them?

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Because the corporations run the government?


This is really good news. There needs to be a global collaboration to manufacture and coordinate rollout. Something along the lines of WWII rollout or the space race in the 60s.


Inventing a highly effective vaccine to a deadly pandemic in less than a year is extremely efficient though.

EDIT: “Capitalism” is kind of a red herring anyways—there’s not much about vaccine research that’s free market. It’s really a question of whether the government uses its power to reward immensely pro-social results like effective vaccines or to punish them.

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Thankfully I’m nearly certain this is what’s happening. I think the estimated delivery time is getting beat, quite possibly badly.

It’s unavoidable to approx double by early December unless their is mitigation by people staying the fuck home going on in the harder hit places that isn’t being reported (SDI @nunnehi ?)

What really worries me is that current math is driven by rural areas and there are lots of signs that urban/suburban areas are seeing growth that hasn’t yet dominated the stats yet but will.

I think the 3% case is a good expectation. Though I’d say probably 65/35 it will likely be worse due to surges. Certainly the measured cases will be better due to lack of adequate testing.

3% case is about 5,000-6,000/day at Xmas. That’s about 2-2.5 doublings from where we are now.

What the fuck is “lockdown deaths”.

He died on Saturday night. People at my work are finally getting better about wearing masks, terrible that it took one of our workers ending up in the hospital to have halfway decent mask compliance.


People so sad they can’t go to chili’s that they kill themselves.


That’s terrible to hear. Hope everyone else there pulls through this.


Positivity will be a good stand-in for lack of adequate testing. Anything nationally at 5% or higher is a bad sign. 10% is worse. 15% and up WAAF.

I’m uncertain of the absolute values from the GaTech math but the relative is pretty reasonable.

I believe the national number is 7ish % now?

Obviously some places are insane. Hi South Dakota.

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But literally these mass amounts of suicides are being covered up by the fake news?

Or are people dying of broken hearts from

1 loneliness
2 no gym. No cardio. Hearts literally explode. (Hi Cactus)

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I don’t think it’s a good look making fun of the real mental health toll this has all taken on some people. It’s a lot more than not being able to go to restaurants and gyms.


Me too. We have 120 people working at the plant and I think we’ve had eight cases so far. Large fraction are high risk too, over sixty, obese, diabetes. The oldest ones are the ones who are the hardest to get to wear masks and socially distance. Although in a manufacturing environment it’s tough to socially distance a lot of times, a lot of places are noisy so you have to be right next to someone and shout to be heard.

Somebody correct my analogy if I am wrong here. On the verge of a vaccine, Thanksgiving is going to be a less visible, nationwide Sturgis rally, right?

It is ok to make fun of this argument

What’s going to cause more death



100% shut down and the suicides it causes

It’s not close. Sure we are all depressed

But the people bringing forth this argument don’t actually give a fuck about the depressed people that are killing themselves they just want to go to chili’s


Suicides under lockdown are less about whimpy babies crying for gym access and more about people whose depression/anxiety/bipolar/schizophrenia/etc. is so intense that they’re barely hanging on in the best of times. Take away access to support systems and behavioral activation, and it it’s not a huge stretch to turn the barely-hopeful into the hopeless. Especially, for the record, for teenagers.

We’re all understandably frustrated by people not taking precautions, so this is just me providing context - not a judgment. We could probably afford to be a little more empathic, but I understand why we’re not. Especially with so many legit COVIDiots running amok.

ETA: To be clear, we absolutely save more lives by shutting down, and anyone arguing otherwise is probably manipulating statistics. I’m just sharing empathy for those who are suffering.


Kids coming back from college are going to be a huge problem too.

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Pretty hard to tell teenagers to quarantine. I probably wouldn’t have either. But keep them away from everyone else as much as possible.

It’s the Trumpkins who think it is a hoax who are the real problem, imho.

Anyone know how often they check people for corona who have been given the vaccine? Will Pfizer/Moderna make all their data public at some point?