COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I mean, we know shutdowns take about two weeks to impact the curve, right? And we know we’ve been doubling in just over two weeks, right?

We did 182K cases Friday with minimal new mitigation. So the above conclusions lead us to 360K+ cases around Thanksgiving weekend.

We know 2% CFR with a 28 day lag has held up. That’s 7,200 daily deaths around Christmas.

It appears at this point our best case solution of we did a broad national lockdown tomorrow would be cases peaking around Thanksgiving at 360K and dropping slowly from there, with daily deaths peaking at about 7,200 around Christmas and dropping slowly from there.

The only thing I think can prevent us from hitting those numbers is testing capacity and underreporting.

Does anyone disagree on any of that?

From there it’s a question of how long before we have widespread mitigation measures in place and how much Thanksgiving contributes to the growth.

Keep in mind a lot of the new measures will be unenforced and half-assed.

And regarding the holidays, like a third of the country admittedly plans to have gatherings with over 10 people indoors and no masks.

I mean fuck, do the math on that, we could pozz a million people on Thanksgiving alone.

30% of 330M = 99M.

If we are currently at a 5x multiplier on cases, 24% of nationwide gatherings of 15 people will have a pozz present. If we are catching 100% of cases it’s still 5.4%.

Let’s say it’s miraculously only 5.4%. That’s about 5.3M people indoors, unmasked, for hours around a positive case on Thanksgiving… Sharing a dinner table and passing food around.

Even if only 20% of then catch it that’s still well over 1M Thanksgiving pozzes.

If R0 > 1 right after Thanksgiving as these people become contagious, we are well and truly fucked.

Please @Danspartan tell me I’ve made an egregious miscalculation.

I mean we could hope the 30% poll is wrong in the safe direction by a lot. But I think most of us would guess it’s wrong in the other direction.

Oh here’s the other fun thing. We’re likely going to max out at like 400K confirmed pozz tests per day, right?

Which we’re going to hit right around Thanksgiving…

Which will be just about two weeks after some states will have started some half ass mitigation efforts.

Which means it’ll look like the mitigation efforts are working at first. Then we’ll realize we’re just pegging the speedometer and we have no idea how fast we’re going or to what degree the efforts are working…

Not until we get two weeks farther and the hospitalizations pile up.

Of course this will be the stretch of time where our mitigation efforts determine how much the hoards of COVIDSgiving cases transmit to others.

Fuck. This looks like a perfect storm stacking half-assed mitigation onto a timeline of hitting testing capacity to make the mitigation appear successful on top of a massive holiday surge.

We could seriously be taking a run at herd immunity by the inauguration if this trifecta matches up and R0 isn’t substantially less than 1 starting immediately after Thanksgiving.

Fuck that week after is going to be when the early indications of just how badly the shit is hitting the fan start to come in, Google searches for COVID symptoms are going to spike and indicate how severe the surge is. That’s how we stay on the leading edge of this and do what we can to stay safe.


An appellate court upheld an order throwing out the lockdown in El Paso. The Texas AG was the plaintiff.

If we are currently at a 5x multiplier on cases, 24% of nationwide gatherings of 15 people will have a pozz present. If we are catching 100% of cases it’s still 5.4%.

Can you show your math here? I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there are people out there who had symptoms but weren’t tested and will now head off to Thanksgiving dinner, but if we are talking purely asymptomatic people, your numbers seem fairly high.

I’m using the Georgia Tech model.

I suppose the number goes way down if everybody with symptoms stays home, but there are still asymptomatic and presymptomatic cases, and I used a factor of 1x, which assumes we’re catching all the cases - which obviously we aren’t.

He has no expectation of privacy. Just reveal his identity here.

Another shot at a vaccine hits phase 3 trial

I’m generally opposed to this and he’s nobody of interest, really, so it seems petty to me. I’m tempted on the grounds that he’s spreading misinformation, but that probably describes the majority of people on the internet.

You can read his self-aggrandizing bio on his blog if you can bear it. It appears to be generally true, if doubtless exaggerated.

I am not sure how you all do this every day. It’s so sad.


Moderna stock up heavily. Vaccine news? Can’t see any yet but I assume its got high efficacy?



If the results remain as impressive as the trial goes on, the Moderna vaccine could potentially provide a major advantage over the Pfizer vaccine. While Pfizer’s vaccine requires ultracold freezing between -70C and -80C from production facility to patient, Moderna said it had improved the shelf life and stability of its own vaccine, meaning that it can be stored at standard refrigeration temperatures of 2C to 8C for 30 days. It can be stored for six months at -20C for shipping and long-term storage, the company said.

seems significant


Yes, and this

But at £38 to £45 for a course of two shots, Moderna’s vaccine is more expensive than the other frontrunners. AstraZeneca and Oxford University are aiming to sell their vaccine at about £3 a dose, while vaccines in trial with Johnson and Johnson and a collaboration between Sanofi and GSK are both expected to cost about £8 per dose.

Govt should just take it from them

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And destroy their own personal holdings in the company?


nvm misread, heh

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Should probably just nationalize the entire company and execute the execs. That’ll teach them to checks notes literally save the world!


Isn’t the USP of capitalism supposed to be that inefficient/greedy companies like Moderna disappear thanks to competition?