COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Enjoyed Witcher 3…up to the point where my computer I was playing on it died. Still need to see if that computer is salvagable.

But yes, good time to find something to occupy your time in the coming months.

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I prefer playing with my dad or my friend, but I enjoy it alone too. 50-60 per side isn’t absurdly bad. 45-50 per side is above average.

Keep in mind all the stats on average scores are based on people who keep handicaps, and thus heavily skewed towards better players.

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Past 7 months in South Australia: No community transmission cases.

Yesterday: Four cases.

This morning: 17 cases. Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory close their borders to people travelling from South Australia.

This afternoon: 34 cases.


Well rising number of cases caused this to be cancelled. But yeah Thanksgiving is going to be so fucking dumb.


Thought I’d check in on THE ETHICAL SKEPTIC and see what he’s doing in response to like 1.5 million cases in the last week or two. He’s pumped the brakes on this ATTENTODEMIC thing he was pushing given the obvious ramp up in cases. But he’s still, undeterred, making fucking incomprehensible graphs about how COVID isn’t that bad. I mean:

What the fuck does that mean?

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It means he’s a fucking dumbass. He also claims remdesivir as some magical treatment. He can get fucked

Like I think he’s just saying “less people are dying of flu-related pneumonia”. Which, yes, obviously, there was virtually no flu at all in Australia this winter. You know, because we’re all taking measures to prevent the transmission of respiratory diseases. In what sense is this “swapping” flu pneumonia for COVID pneumonia? How does this data demonstrate that flu and COVID deaths would not be additive in the absence of countermeasures?

I think his theory (I’m not agreeing with it) is that COVID is picking off the weak who would have died from the flu. Thus it’s just the flu. Thus go lick a doorknob.

Even if he were right, according to his graph that’s only discounting COVID-19 death by maybe 10%.


The crazy thing is, I dug this guy’s identity out from clues on his blog and he actually does have a pretty high powered job. I’ll doxx him on PM if anyone wants.

Right, but even his tortured data doesn’t even come close to demonstrating this. It’s not possible to demonstrate this just using fatality data.


Yeah, without an offset you get a sharp drop in cfr when cases spike because deaths are lagging but the denominator is going up very rapidly.

The offset you’ve been doing has been much more stable and makes a lot more sense since we know deaths lag tests.

And I’ll doxx him here. His initials are:



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The real takeaway from this graph is that “lockdown deaths” are now a bigger component of increased mortality than COVID. Since there isn’t any lockdown, it must be that most of the death is really caused by you guys telling Cactus to not go to the gym.




Yeah needless to say “lockdown deaths” is another Ethical Skeptic rabbithole of incomprehensible bullshit.

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We won’t though because enough states are gonna add restrictions…we’ve already seen this in a handful of states this weekend

Right but the model also doesn’t account for Thanksgiving and Christmas, nor does it account for IFR going up.

Right, but we aren’t getting to 1.6M/day

People and local governments end up doing enough to curb the spread when it spikes to stop us from exponentially growing that long.

It’s gonna be ugly, but not 1.6M/day ugly


Yeah I think even if there are tons more idiots who are willing to push the boundaries than before, tons of people are still curtailing their behavior. Basically all summer my wife and I were willing to see people outside, eat/drink on patios, go golfing, etc. Now we’re basically back to March/April levels of lockdown because of the increases in cases. I think enough people will alter their behavior that it won’t be the true doomsday exponential scenarios, but rather a slow grind higher until it gets bad enough for enough people to change their behavior and it starts slowing back down.

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I’d like to think there is a nationwide holy fuck moment 2 weeks after COVIDsgiving. @SweetSummerChild