COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Not that impressive once you realize like 50 people live there!


Anyone have a good breakdown of US vaccine purchases, when they will be ready and the current trial phase?

Went to Costco today and not a single roll of toilet paper or paper towels to be seen.

It’s like March all over again.

Yeah this is definitely going to be a thing again. People are going to stock up anticipating fallout during this second wave.

At least 42 staff and guests at a gym in Surrey have tested positive for COVID-19, after some of the patrons visited the gym while waiting for test results.

Going to the gym during a pandemic is a bad idea.


Fortunately, I read this thread and stocked up hard the day before the election.


I have like 6 months of toilet paper for the house but paper towels have been harder and cost more and go fast around here so only have maybe 4-6 weeks worth so getting worried.

We bought washable paper cloths that work really well. Also probably better for the world, so something to look into.

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Damn, everyone seemed to favor the Oxford vaccine and they were forced to pause in the USA.

They were out ahead based on their SARS work. They will get there.

Pfizer’s edge is that they have developed lots of vaccines. I had a friend that work at Lederle-Praxis(?) back in the 90s that was a big vaccine player since acquired by Pfizer.

Ggoreo/kep/other Canadians, have you downloaded the covid app?

Well this should put pressure on the idiot in charge in S.D.

ND mask mandate.

Gov. Doug Burgum (DougBurgum)

As our COVID-19 situation changes, we must change with it. Tonight, we announced four measures designed to reduce the rampant spread of infections in our communities, protect our vulnerable, ensure hospital capacity and keep schools & the economy open.

4:52 AM - 14 Nov 2020 790 250

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Have we looked at this before?

doesn’t sound great. should have just ordered 500m of everything.

Sounds like my house. We go through paper towels super fast. I think if I sat down and calculated my annual paper towel expenditures, it would be pretty depressing. I tried to introduce solutions like Tilted’s but they were summarily rejected. Apparently it’s Bounty4Lyfe at Chez Melkerson.

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I haven’t, but watched the Trudeau press conference and apparently the Covid app has 8 million downloads in Canada. Its used for contact tracing/mind control.

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I can’t read past the preview, just not gonna do it

I’ve had it for months now

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I kind of thought the same, but between watching the presser yesterday and the replies here I have now downloaded it.
