COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Right. But the Superbowl will be the first time he’s expected to give guidance to the nation on a huge upcoming traditional party event. Whatever he does or doesn’t say will be wrong. His honeymoon will last about a week.

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So weird. I’m 45, grew up with 5 siblings and have never had 10+ people for Thanksgiving. I guess each family is different but I can’t wrap my head around having Thanksgiving with so many people. During a pandemic is just insane.

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giphy (1) (12)

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Gotta have a house big enough for it. I got an aunt/uncle who got money and a big family. Plus my uncle is a chef. Family get togethers are a big thing. They’re actually super-depressed that it won’t happen this year.

My family never did huge Thanksgiving gatherings either. I had a job where I had to work on Thanksgiving many times, so being by myself on the holiday really is no big deal to me. You would think though, that all Americans would like to rally behind some kind of national plan to defeat the virus and accelerate our chances of returning to normal life, but that’s a huge ask I guess.

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Jan 20th 12:01pm Republicans will start blaming Biden for our ravaged economy and will start using the government’s failure to control the pandemic against him.


I had a big house. There were 7 of us. But it was just my mom and 6 kids. No one came over. Maybe friends would stop by the day but no one ate dinner with us.

Agree. Plus they’ll deftly strike that delicate balance of condemning Democrats for not slowing the spread while actively ignoring any policies that would help control the virus.

My mom is one of 7. We had pretty big Thanksgivings growing up. But in the last 20 years+ people tend to come back to KC for Christmas only. And the KC locals often travel to other inlaws or relatives for Thanksgiving. I think the last Thanksgiving I went to in KC was when my aunt and uncle had Billy Corgan as a guest. Obviously I’m never going to miss that.

Of course my mom is bugging me about coming home for Thanksgiving this year, like it’s a thing we always do, and I 100% know it’s because she’s trying to get me to say yes to Christmas. But I can’t come out and say no right away for either, or she might just come out to LA and not take no for an answer. I have to string her along. Which she knows I’m doing. It’s a dance.

Soooooo glad I don’t live easy driving distance.

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I’d add at least 10% for all the people who know they shouldn’t so they lie to the pollster and the ones that don’t want to but will get talked into it by family.

OMFG! That’s equivalent to 20K US deaths.


You guys who never had huge family gatherings really missed out on your uncle trying to feel up your mom while cooking, your great grandmother who didn’t know anybody’s name falling asleep face first in the gravy (it took a long time for anyone to notice), and your quadraplegic great aunt getting drunk enough to tell you that, no, in fact, despite the age of polio onset she wasn’t a virgin thanks to Johnny Italianlastname which was apparently a big no-no in the neighborhood and also cursing out your grandma who herself browbeat grandpa enough to force the great aunt to live out her life in some low-rent home for people considered worthless by their families and subjected to torture conditions escapable on Thanksgiving and Christmas only.

At least your great aunt wasn’t a virgin though. It takes you many years to understand how awesome this is.


My family is pretty boring. Our biggest scandal was running out of gravy one year and my oldest uncle couldn’t stop bitching about it. So for the next 20 years we always had a gallon of extra gravy.


Oh yeah you never hear the end of this kind of shit. Not enough gravy for life u fucking bitch.

You haven’t lived until you’ve spent Thanksgiving with a convicted felon and his addict father who married the same woman three separate times and has some very hot takes on race relations.


Just y’all 6 and parents is 8

Then add in significant others and you are at 14 before kids, grandparents, etc

Yep, you understood my reference

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Our drama was everyone teaming up on the racist uncle who was grandmas favorite even though she would never admit it. Are gatherings ended when grandma died 8 years ago. I miss the green beans and the raspberry Jell-O mold.

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Those are just the ones that admit it. I’m guessing it’ll be more like 60%.

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70% claim they are going to be wearing masks at Thanksgiving? You gotta be fucking kidding me. I wouldn’t even believe the inverse.