COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Father died when I was an infant. All 4 grandparents died before I was born. Siblings separated by 11 years. By the time I was 18 half of my siblings were 500+ miles away.


I agree he is top 10% in precautions taken but it is funny that an activity still undertaken is one that was banned (gatherings of ANY people inside) in Melbourne Australia when we had less than 100 cases daily.

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I have now. Thanks for the headsup.

WTF? Would it not be appropriate bedside manner to perhaps stretch the truth a bit here?
Patient, “Am I going to die?”.
Nurse, “Sure are, yup!”.

Yeah those letters means she’s not a nurse… and you have no idea what the context or content of that conversation was. But sure, talk down about the mayo trained ID and Crit Care doc why not mess around and find out?


Yea I mean, I have basically abandoned any semblance of a social life, hardly see my parents (63) or my partner’s parents (70s), haven’t eaten inside a restaurant since March, and I’m still not taking it as cautiously as some people wiping down groceries and shunning takeout. Playing live poker is pants on head insane, and I say that as someone who has relied on live PLO as part or all of my income for the past decade.


Czech government made something very similar.

Drains your battery insanely fast unfortunately.

Sorry to hear that

I’m still wiping down groceries, but I do get delivery sometimes now and replate it and microwave it.

I haven’t been inside a restaurant or socialized indoors without a mask since the pandemic started without a mutual 2 week quarantine or a shorter quarantine and test, which I did three times total. I’ve socialized outdoors 6+ feet apart several times.

Live poker was my entire income, and I switched to online when the pandemic started. Games dried up for me online when CARES money ran out - and I suspect there is some “dream machine” usage going on… So I hadn’t made money since the first week in July and don’t qualify for unemployment as a poker pro. After three months with no income, I was invited to a private/home game that runs 6-7 hours every other week with masks required, 7 handed, in a room with 4-6 windows open, in which my EV would be to make my monthly expenses in 8-15 hours.

My choice was to play this game for 12 hours a month now, or wait until I either feel safe in a casino or am forced back due to burning through enough liferoll to basically have to resume grinding 2/5 full time or risk having to return at 1/3 and play 50+ hours a week to tread water. I’d be forced into that spot around March, which is the best case scenario on when it might feel even remotely safe to go into a casino again.

In this game I’m exposed to the same 7-9 people each session (players and dealers) with good mask compliance, good ventilation, and I can go outside to eat or drink. So far I haven’t eaten, and I’ve kept it to a water break 2-3 times per session to avoid taking the mask on or off a lot.

In a casino in March I’d be exposed to 6-8 tables of 7 people, plus everyone passing through, with less strict mask compliance I assume.

So I can do an unsafe thing now for 12 hours a month, and make enough to cover my expenses each month if I run neutral - thus treading water for as long as this goes, or I can wait it out til March and then grind 30-40 hours a week in a casino to break even on monthly expenses.

I’ll take my 12 hours a month for the next few months over 120-160 hours a month in March and beyond from a safety perspective - way fewer total hours in safer conditions… plus I’m hopefully going to be in a much stronger financial position if/when things get worse to go back into complete lockdown for several months again if I decide to.

It seemed like a fairly simple risk calculation. I resent having to make it, but that’s the country we live in. And it’s not like work from home jobs are growing on trees right now for poker players with a 5+ year resume gap, I’ve looked a few times and not found much. I got a freelance writing gig but the pay is per view and so far it’s working out to about $4 per hour.

And keep in mind if a job was mostly work from home and required me to go in even two days a month, I’d still be spending more hours inside with others than in my poker game.

I use a proper N95 mask, take my own sanitizer, don’t touch my face without sanitizing my hands, and go outside to even take a sip of water.

Unfortunately we live in a country that is pants on head insane, and most of us are forced into making really gross calculations like this. Almost everyone I know in real life is facing significantly more exposure at work in regular jobs. I have a friend who’s high risk who’s been stuck flying around the country 2-3 times a month the last couple months for work, for a job that pays like $40K. Her boss and one coworker got pozzed, but fortunately so far she hasn’t.

We also live in a country that is perpetually fucking over the poor and middle class, and in which long term health outcomes correlate very strongly with wealth. So that has to factor into any calculation, too.

I’m big on minimizing risks and not slacking in Risk Area B because you’re taking on more risk in Risk Area A. But I can’t make a short sighted decision to avoid all risk now and then start grinding tons of hours at live poker in March, that would be even worse.

I’m considering trying to skip a game or two in Dec/Jan when this wave is likely at its peak, to cut my risk down then, but it’s going to depend on my feel for getting cut out of the game or not.

I’m also in the process of getting an in on a private app game, but the rake is obscene and it’s 50-50 whether it’s on the up and up, so I’m feeling my way through it for now and not sure whether it can be beat.

So that’s where I’m at. Maybe I’m pants on head insane, maybe I get pozzed and die. I’m terrified walking in there every time, but it feels like the path of least risk for me over the next 4-6 months.



These people are so horrifically brainwashed and they’re going to drag the whole country down with them. They legit think they’re dying of some 5G liberal hoax virus there’s a magic medicine for.

There aren’t words for their levels of hopeless stupidity.


There are gonna be a crazy amount of nurses with PTSD when this is over.


I understand you’re reasoning. There are live private games here running. I’m not playing in them.

The question would be what are the rules when you return? 2 weeks quarantine? In Germany you have to stay home for 14 days and a test is only possible after the 5th day. My boss sent a memo that if you want to travel to a risk area it has to be approved first. Not sure if the no pay rule is in effect that if you voluntarily travelled into a risk area you dont get money for the quarantine time afterwards.

Btw: Fuck Ireland.

I have to get a covid test within my first 5 days in the CR when coming back. Pretty easy to get one at the airport in Prague. Get the results via SMS or email the next day. Would have to pay for it though.

I mean I was gonna take one upon arrival anyway even if it wasn’t required. So whatever.

In Aus we had to stay in a hotel for fourteen days upon return. Not even allowed to go home. And negative tests irrelevant.

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I don’t think the professor knows what “peaks” means.


That’s from September.

Didn’t they restart shortly after?