COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

“I don’t like winter. I hate it. I hate it with a passion,” said Steve MacDonald, 77, of Oakville, Ont.

He has already booked a Dec. 3 flight to Florida for himself and his wife, so they can spend the winter at their rented condo in Key Largo.

I hope he likes dying of Covid.

“I can only take so much of winter,” said Munro, 69, of Aurora, Ont.

He argues he’ll actually be safer in Florida, because he suffers from a lung disorder, which worsens in cold weather.


How does insurance work for Canadians who go to the US for the winter and end up in the hospital because of covid? They still covered by the government?

sort of. You also need to buy extra travel insurance. Right now you can’t get insurance to cover covid though so if you got it in the states you would have to foot the entire bill.

Apparently you can get covid-19 medical insurance. It was just re-instated.

So these people are all mega rich or just the dumbest of the dumb. Any hospital stay is going to run 6 figures…

For Canadians?

according to the article

He also said that he has the added protection of COVID-19 medical insurance, in case something does go wrong. Insurance providers recently reinstated the coverage after suspending it for several months during the pandemic.

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Also guy with lung disease thinks being surrounded by a deadly respiratory disease is safer than cold air, human beings everyone


Dude won’t shave his beard

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Man those Canadian Snowbirds are gonna get wrecked in Florida. It’s gonna be like the Native Americans that died when European settlers came over.


I’m not even sure the testing is necessary, if the quarantines are strict. I guess if Bob did the following:

  1. Quarantine for 2 wks
  2. Fly to NY
  3. Quarantine for another 2 wks separate from family
  4. Spend Christmas with family
  5. Quarantine for another 2 wks separate from family in NY
  6. Return to Europe

You can throw some testing, if perfect quarantine is impossible or not executed. Something tells me he ain’t doing all of that.

So turns out foreign diplomats don’t have to quarantine if they fly into Australia. They can just quarantine at home.

Same for government officials on official business.

I mean. Sure. Covid is gonna be able to tell the difference.

A number of other exemptions seems more sensible.

2,270 cases in North Dakota today. Roughly equivalent to 1M cases nationwide. 1 in 335 people living in North Dakota tested positive today alone as they close in on being the first state with 10% of their population confirmed positive.

South Dakota just isn’t reporting Covid deaths anymore so no idea how fucked they are.

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Yeah, that would be a reasonable alternative. I don’t think he is doing that either.

My wife was born in Auburn. She has ancestors from Bolivar. Hard to think how rural NY can be sometimes.

Yeah I mean I’m not calling him an asshole or anything, just encouraging him to reconsider as someone watching in horror at people’s behavior in the US.

Like I’m in the top 10% in precautions taken in the US if not higher and I’m playing live poker every couple weeks. I imagine it’s hard to appreciate the level of stupidity going on here without witnessing it day after day.

And we’ve likely got an election surge, kids from college going home surge and Thanksgiving/Black Friday surge all coming up before Christmas.

Again not questioning his character here, just urging him to reconsider.

Not going to weigh in on @superuberbob returning for the holidays, but one additional consideration should be the low but real possibility he gets stuck here, if that matters.

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Nah. I use my American passport to enter America and my Irish passport to arrive. Skip all the lines at the border that way.


I kinda thought traveling with two passports was frowned upon.