COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I was thinking of this as well. We all like you a lot SUB, and all of what we’ve been talking about is 100% out of concern for you and yours. I plan on being in our discord around the holidays as well. It was really nice around election day to just be able to hear from so many like minded people.

We cant change your mind no matter how much we hope we can. Stay as safe as possible and know if you change you’re mind we are here for you


Yes with the math involved it’s going to be very polarized. Some will skate. Some families will have multiple deaths.

Where are you going Bob? Hopefully some place outdoor gatherings are feasible.

Take care.stay masked as much as possible.

I mentioned it up thread, but we are at a point in human history where we can connect virtually face to face with nearly anyone in the world with a push of s button.

I know know know that it isnt the same thing as seeing someone in person and getting to have that physical touch, but we have never ever been more connected than we are now, and during a time of pandemic we should 100% be using our technology to see each other without seeing each other.

SUB, use the money you would spend on a plane ticket and send an xbox or something to your family. Turn on the Zoom and leave it on all day. Make dinner and serve it at the same time, then play games together, or turn on the game on the TV with the zoom next to you and cheer together for your favorite team. Live, laugh, love, and know that when this is over and you’re all inoculated you can throw the biggest fucking party ever and spend a week together.

I really hope you don’t fly right now.


I think end of November minimum is 300k/day. Add 25 days to that at 2% cfr…

I’m glad I was able to make my driving trip to visit rural Michigan, very rural Wisconsin , and the twin cities while we were at the August low point. Everyone did their part to isolate prior to the trip.

But when I had to fly to Minnesota to see my son coming out of alcohol rehab in October I just had to do it. Took some risk. Did the best I could but will admit that I probably had some run good as well.

GL SUB. My wife and I are good quarantine partners. My son is a great example of what the isolation can do.

Sadly as a society we can’t find the line between necessary and frivolous. We have spent almost all our shutdown points on the trivial.

We should prioritize what is really important and forgo the rest. Dining out and bars? Nope. Finding a way to hug your Dad? Yes if can be done safely.


Anyone seen anyone doing research on vaccines being given to pozzed people as a treatment? The Pfizer mRNA vaccine seems like it would be a good candidate for this.

I can’t imagine how this would be helpful. We don’t do this for any disease that I can think of.

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So that article doesn’t really contradict my position. Using vaccines to induce an immune response the body doesn’t normally go after is an old idea. The issue here is that the body produces an immune response to the virus. Giving a vaccine that produces the same immune response that already happened is redundant.

That’s very different than trying to induce an immune response to a specific receptor unique to a cancer cell.

Not saying I’m 100% right on this one, but I’m not seeing a theoretical foundation for this to work.

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Maybe, I don’t know, just know that therapeutic vaccines were discussed for ebola and other infectious diseases and wondering if anyone has seen anything on the subject for Covid.

Have to discuss that. My mother has a bungalow in the middle of nowhere upstate NY. At least some of the time will be spent there with some immediate family.


Oh, we’d find a way

I agree, I think the current multiplier is probably in between 2x and 5x.

So a little over month ago my mom travelled from the states back home to Montenegro because her dad wasn’t doing that well health wise and her mom has been having some issues over the last year or two. It was a tough decision to make but since she left her family over there when she was 28 years old and only gets to see them maybe once a year for a few weeks she decided it was worth the risk. Her flying experience was pretty great (she flew with Turkish airlines). The airline gave her a whole goodie package with mask, sanitizer and a couple of other sanitary items that were all sealed, the crew closed the bathrooms every hour for 15 minutes to completely sanitize them, and the pilot was constantly talking letting them know about the air filter system in the plane and best practices to stay clean and flight attendants were constantly walking around to make sure mask compliance is great. Luckily in Chicago we have a few private labs that do 24hour test results (she needed a test showing negative done within 72 hours of arrival at her destination to be let into the country) so she had a negative from the day before she left.

From her experience the travel wasn’t too bad and she felt somewhat safe. You’re intelligent and understand the risks and can factor that in your decision so do what’s best for your health (mental and physical) and talk it thru with your family. For my mom it was well worth it because when she first saw her dad he looked close to deaths door and worse than I’ve ever seen him (based on pics she sent) and after spending a couple weeks there he looked measurably better and has been in amazing spirits ever since. Sometimes we have to make some hard decisions that can be viewed as somewhat selfish and possibly could be


Everyone has masks on, I’m not around anyone else inside at all besides rare quick trips to the store, and this is my lowest possible risk to earn income between now and March, if not longer.

I made one long trip to the grocery store a week ago to stockpile, that’s the only exception.

Unfortunately I have no expectations of feeling safe in a casino between now and March (at best) so my choice is twice a month now in as controlled of an environment as I can get and 4-5 days a week then. This seems safer.

Just asking you to understand it might be as important for some people’s mental health as your digression is for your income.

If anyone deserves a pass for taking a leisure flight during an epidemic it’s people who need to preserve their mental health imo.


Disney World is fully booked for Thanksgiving