COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Republicans: Don’t tell Dems when they’ve been exposed to a deadly virus, they are Satan.

Democrats: Let’s be bipartisan with our friends across the aisle!


When I had a network of friends to spend time with, it was easier to spend Christmas away from family. I don’t have that privilege anymore unlike all of you.

Spending Christmas in my flat alone when I’ve spent this entire pandemic alone isn’t going to happen. Obviously, I’ll be taking common sense precautions but I will be seeing family. If you want to call me an asshole for it then do it. It shows that you have absolutely no understanding of my situation but fire away.


I am going to guess most of us are planning on spending Christmas alone/with the people we live with barring a major reversal in the Covid numbers. Yes it sucks.

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Yeah but you have loved ones you live with or at least near you (wife, kids, girlfriend) or at least friends. And you’ve probably seen a family member at least once this year.

Covid has massively stunted any ability to form a reliable social network.

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I’m not going to be one to come down on you too hard as I know this whole thing has been hard on you (and all of us). I’m just saying I doubt many of us are traveling to see our families this year. You are right that living alone makes it harder than it does for those of us who can at least celebrate with the people we live with.

Over/under reported COVID 7dma deaths/day on Xmas (USA):
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 3000
  • 4000
  • 5000
  • 6000
  • 7000
  • 8000
  • 9000

0 voters

To be clear, I’m not gambling on this. Just trying to gauge the collective understanding of this situation.

Maybe we should stop beating up on the guy who says being truly alone for the holidays 4,000 miles away from all his friends and family is seriously affecting his mental health? C’mon people, learn when to back off.


Both of my grandfathers spent Christmas 1944 in foxholes in Normandy getting shelled by the Nazis. I imagine they would have preferred to be with their families.

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What do we think about parents driving to their adult children and basically never leaving the house while they visit? All food delivered well in advance, etc.

I don’t think you’re an asshole for it simply because so many people will be so much worse. I do think it’s not worth the risk to yourself and your family, but I can see why you may feel differently.

I’m fortunate my parents are close by and we can do some degree of outdoor stuff depending on the weather. There will be no/very minimal indoor stuff. I’ll probably pop my head inside to see the tree for 60 seconds.

Thanksgiving and Christmas won’t look normal, but they’ll happen for us in some way.

But given the risk in your situation, I wish you’d consider doing Zoom for the holidays and visiting in the Spring/Summer… For your own good, and your family’s. Not anyone else’s.

For whatever it’s worth I’m sure this forum will have people on Discord around the holidays.

If I could do a full two week quarantine and test, my parents and I would be doing this for Thanksgiving. We will probably try for Christmas. It seems very low risk if those conditions are met. Without a full quarantine it’s a personal risk tolerance thing.

Obviously I won’t just outright show up without any detailed planning and discussion. Gotta make sure everybody’s all right with what’s going on. It’d be silly to just to show up and expect everybody to be cool with it.

What was the USA peak 7da deaths? Wasnt it 2200ish?

I might have my mom come stay with me for a week or so and it seems OK. If things get a lot worse, probably won’t happen.

We got my Trumpy in laws to agree to a pre-Thanksgiving meal with just the 4 of us on the roof of their condo in town. We’ll probably just grill and shit. Wife and I are probably getting a small airbnb on the beach for the actual long weekend, should be dead as hell this time of year. It honestly seems like a weight off my wife’s shoulders; she’s so tired of having these conversations with them.

We talk about it a lot, but I’m so, so, so grateful my parents and siblings are not fucking idiots.


I don’t think 10x is the right number anymore (it might go back to that in a few weeks if testing capacity can’t keep up). I honestly can’t even guess what the proper multiplier is, but already having 110 million total infections and ~2 million new infections per day and growing seems optimistic to me. That would put us near herd immunity by New Years with current growth in infection rate.

I was reading something yesterday about how flights might not be as dangerous as people think, and there have been relatively few infections spread on a flight thanks to HEPA filters and good ventilation.

If it’s a choice between isolation provoking deteriorating mental health and a youngish guy taking every precaution on flights I say ignore the assholes here but take care.

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That 1-2% has to be low when you factor in likely hospital overrun

But sitting in a small space with non-family every few weeks is ok?