COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I would be more likely to fly somewhere that doesn’t celebrate Christmas.

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Special type of hell is coming for basically the whole country, everyone can see it happening, and we can’t do something about it.


I see my family once a year.

So yeah it is worth it.

I can empathize. Not being judgmental; hope I didn’t come off that way.

Shit’s about to get BAD here though. Stay safe.

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Is it? It’s only a year. None of this is permanent. Take a pandemic like the 1918 Flu. Life was back to normal in a few years. The same will happen with Covid. It sucks but sometimes you gotta write a year off. 2020 is one of those years. We don’t get to choose the major events in our History books.


This guy is a good follow. This is an excellent thread.


I mean holy fucking shit Jesus god almighty how fucking stupid can this dogshit party be holy fuck wow I’m fucking arrrrrggggggggghhhhh indoors just fucking superspread it to our caucus you stupid fucking what in the actual fuck for fucks sake we need new leadership holy fuck.


So essentially, we’re not far off what I’ll call situational immunity for Rt = 1.15. He says 450K deaths and we’re at about 250K and roughly on track to hit 450K by inauguration day. But regionally, some states should be close to the required numbers per capita. The thing is, the ones that are likely have a higher Rt. Regardless, it seems like the Dakota’s will be giving us some data on this soon.

(What I mean by situational immunity is the concept of herd immunity applied to a situation with X% wearing masks, Y% reduced activity, etc. Not true herd immunity, but situational immunity for that level of mitigation, as long as it is maintained.)

It’s still in the 70s here in Georgia, tho 40s at night

Could it be Winter just makes our immune system weaker with the reduced sunlight? Or something pertaining to things other than temperature as the virus is exploding everywhere even in the South where it is very warm. I know it’s been around 20 degrees in Toronto the last week(68F) plus so I imagine it’s been very warm in the Northeastern US as well

The holidays should raise R which also raises the threshold for hitting “situational immunity” right? I doubt more than 25% of the country is going to forgo Thanksgiving.

Is it just me or is the media completely blowing it? This is a five alarm fire and the coverage is still mostly “here are some dumb fucks protesting restrictions.”

The solution is SO OBVIOUS. Pay everyone to stay home! Nobody is even saying this, including Democrats. We live in the stupidest society ever.


At a bare minimum they should be blasting the stay home for Thanksgiving message. I can only assume they aren’t doing it because it’s bad for business and most people are over it and never coming back to reality.

And you can always come visit for Easter or Flag Day or whatever.

It’s telling to me that even in Europe - - where they are usually at least somewhat reasonable - - cases are spiking. Humans in our current society really just can’t handle something like this. A more deadly disease would probably wipe us out.

Oh man, I just thought about Black Friday. That’s going to be worse than Thanksgiving proper.


A more deadly virus wouldn’t give people enough time to spread it.

Over minus the dead people and all the long term effects.

It is amazing how people just move on.

But you are probably correct, in 2-4 years it will be back to more of the same and candidate Trump will crow about the 2 million lives he saved.

Well if situational immunity Is a sum of seasonality, herd effect, and behavior then the holidays are going to be really poor because seasonality and behavior both suck and remember herd’s curve shape is heavily infected. Probably a pretty moderate slope until we get to some number like 50%.

On top of that, with the vast majority of cases being recent in the areas of high infection, the people that are recently sick will not be participating, so the actual % With antibodies at a thanksgiving gathering will be lower than the general population. Especially when you look at some places like the Dakotas.

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Yes. This is a category 7 hurricane bearing down on Miami and covering it by interviewing fans complaining the Dolphins game is being postponed.