COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Oh for fucks sake

We laughed at the implication that it’d go away in the summer. We all knew it’d be horrible in the winter. But we didn’t agree that it’d go away in the summer.

His theory that when people are indoors more in winter then it’ll spread more was obviously always correct. And respiratory viruses spread more in the winter as well.

So suzzer was right, and always was right, about that. We were just on edge and pushing back against anything perceived as saying we could ease up in the summer because OFB was gonna be a bad idea.

I didn’t say anybody thought it would go away in the summer.

Anyway, I guess everybody here actually 100% agreed with Suzzer and must have just been arguing with him for months just for fun.

Well apparently NAncy backed off on the dinner. I’m sure it’s because I called her DC office about an hour ago and flamed her.

I told her to step down as speaker too. So if that happens I take credit for that as well.


182000 and counting. The rate of increase is still accelerating. Last Friday was 132000.

Mass nominee event. Any kids and parents that get sick deserve what they get.

I feel bad for any collateral damage.

To all those idiots(who obviously aren’t reading this) who thought Covid would just go away after the election. 10 days later we’ve added 1.35M new cases 11.6k deaths. It’s like it just disappeared…


At this rate of increase (roughly 30% week over week) 300k will be possible just in time for Thanksgiving. I think we max the testing out before that though.

What sort of sweet summer child was I for asking early this week if we’d hit a 200k day before thanksgiving?


I’ve been one of the doom and gloomers here and I am legit stunned.


Just looked and October 29th was the first day over 90k, so that’s only 15 days to double. We are on pace to be at 360-370k by end of month in a world where we actually had that level of testing capacity.

ETA: sorry for all these stat posts, I’m legitimately just in shock at all of this.

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That 3 days of bliss after the election was a great time. The amount of death and suffering incoming is incomprehensible. I’ll be staying in my apartment sans work for the foreseeable future. Can’t believe we are letting this happen this way.


Yeah we are on a highway to just unprecedented spread and death

Time to stock up some food. :hushed:


Part of me understands the clueless morons planking at the gym and hitting Golden Corral. What is happening doesn’t seem real even as someone who is following it closely. If you aren’t paying attention or if you are an avid Fox News watcher how would you even know? It isn’t like their are bodies piled in the street.

The thought of 4-5k dead a day doesn’t seem possible or real to me but I don’t see how we avoid it unless there is something about the virus I am missing.

I assume Marjorie Taylor Greene knows what she’s doing when she says my body, my choice. She’s throwing it back at the libs and calling them hypocrites, which of course they’re not and it’s all incredibly stupid, but I still can’t quite get over the way it’s just taken for granted that right wingers get to say stuff like this and get away with it.

If we are at 165,000 positive tests a day, how many actually cases would we estimate? At this rate, we might reach herd immunity before mass vaccination.

I’d guess 400k a day. Basing that on 40% asymptomatic and unlikely to get tested and some symptomatic who don’t get tested. We will be ripping off nearly 1m/day by the end of the month roughly if that is accurate and the rate of increase holds.

What percentage of people are doing Thanksgiving this year? 75%? It has to be really high. Half the country thinks it’s fake and probably a big chunk of the other half is thinking it won’t happen to them. The numbers should explode from here after that.

I will be smoking a turkey and drinking and eating until I burst just me, the wife and the dogs. Actually kind of looking forward to it.

The slope of the 7dma is still getting steeper. We are a long way from the peak of this surge imo:


I wonder how many will show up to the MAGA march tomorrow.