COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

We need way less reason than this to shit on Tooth here.


Cold weather may contribute. Saying it is the major reason for this outbreak falls into the obviously wrong area. There’s no reason to re-litigate this.

Yeah. Grunching. But my state was going exponential 4 months ago.

A hard lockdown, full mask mandate, significant oversight and inspection of essential business that stayed open, significant investment in test and trace, quarantine for travellers…

We have now just had our 15th straight day with ZERO cases.

Every place is literally always 8 weeks away from beating the pandemic with the right intervention.


Yeah even if we’re ordered to lock down again so many businesses will find a reason to be essential.

Looks like we’re going to hit 180k cases today. Overall deaths right on the edge of officially hitting 250k too.

What the fuck are you talking about? I repeatedly got “lol at the summer pause” over and over to which I repeatedly pointed out that it could still get a lot worse in the winter.

I also repeatedly pointed out that it was scientists saying the virus likes cold/dry air and going from cold to hot air in winter plays havoc our mucus membranes (or now even some kind of seasonal immunity swings). It’s not like I just pulled the idea out of my butt.

Also AC mitigates things in a weird way that really only happens on a major scales in the US and Australia and I guess the rich Arabian countries. Everywhere else people most only use it at night and have good ventilation during the day. In the US fall and spring may be the sweet spots.

That said, right now we also have quarantine fatigue and back to school mixed in, so who the hell knows. But cold weather places do seem to be getting the worst of if right now.


I was one of the worst offenders and I will admit I was probably wrong and apologize.


It’s basically too soon to tell for sure, but weather will probably play some kind of role.

Infections caused by many respiratory viruses, including influenza and some coronaviruses, swell in winter and drop in summer. Researchers say it’s too early in the COVID-19 pandemic to say whether SARS-CoV-2 will become a seasonal virus. But growing evidence suggests that a small seasonal effect will probably contribute to bigger outbreaks in winter, on the basis of what is known about how the virus spreads and how people behave in colder months.

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You can wear both at the same time, homie.

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Lol I don’t care about it any more except to the extent that churchill was re-trashing me all over again for some reason.

I couldn’t have possibly been more wrong in our deaths bet and you never rubbed that in my face once.


I don’t think it’s worth arguing.

Covid is a respiratory virus. Pretty much all resp viruses are worse in winter.

This thing spreads super easy so not surprising that it does reasonably well in summer. Is it AC related? Don’t know but I think we can take it as a working theory.

So basically this thing has two settings. Bad and really bad. But in both cases the mode of control is the same. Don’t breathe each other’s infected air. Assume you and everyone around you is contagious. Stay out of crowds. Wear a fucking mask.

We are about to learn if the disease itself is more severe in cold weather. Maybe but it kind of doesn’t matter. It’s already bad enough to lockdown. The rest of the debate is esoteric at this point.

It does not matter if we are pouring a quart or a gallon. Either is going to overflow our shot glass of capacity.

Can we go back to slamming morons like Nancy and her fucking dinner party and the Q Congress lady and Alito and their stupid mask refusal clause in the constitution. It’s no effing different than no shirt no shoes no service.


It really hard to believe that democrats can’t decidedly win an election against a once in a lifetime moron.

How fucking braindead do you need to be to have a group dinner when governors are screaming at their citizens about not seeing their fucking 90 year old parents during Thanksgiving?

Dems absolutely deserve to never be in power again. At least the republicans are congruent in their messaging - “The virus is a hoax, go see your families, and we’re going to have our usual dinner”.

I’m infuriated.


My work’s leadership has a yearly strategy retreat for 3 days. Always takes place at a nice resort. They’re still doing it in person. They’re claiming that they are taking all precautions, quarantining beforehand, they’ll be a lot of separation in a big room, etc. etc. - but, there’s like 10 people going, and it’s the entire firm leadership, so if one gets pozzed and pozzes the others I think my firm will come to screeching halt.

Seems like they could have done it virtually. Seems like a bad idea to me.

Also, my county of 290,000 reported 88 cases today, a record high!


Told some privileged moron in a PG&C thread that playing live poker in a casino right now is madness and he banned me from his thread :joy:

Also, in regards to Pelosi’s dinner, I hate to say it but I’m secretly hoping for a superspreader event because they really, truly fucking deserve it.


Also, Sissolak pozzed. Not a nominee. I think Sissolak has tried his best for the idiots of NV.

He said first of its kind…meaning mRNA, which it doesn’t look like Sputnik V is

Cite or retraction?

I don’t think anyone deserves covid but it is truly astounding how tone deaf they are.

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