COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

lol at China being first world gtfo. It’s more than Beijing and Shanghai you know

Australia’s actually doing quite well with the virus now unlike most of Europe and the US

Three posters prone to that sort of thing yes.

Hey look all the American liberals and progressives are in a torture chamber! I must immediately log on to their forum and dunk on them for living in a stupid country!!! This shall be great fun!

Trends are good? Fuck you, asshole. We’re living through hell and we’re the ones actually trying and being dragged down by morons we ourselves are too fucking incompetent to convince to not have maskless orgies.

Go dunk on CP if you have an insatiable need to be a jerkoff. Or perhaps regale us with more lectures about how OFS is a good idea. Because OFS trends are super fucking good!


Cassette, marty, joog, churchill and I are all prone to what?

I can’t think of anything we all have in common apart from being left of centre (and posting on UP).

I suspect the people we’re bombing and invading see us as relevant. I don’t know man, if you think Eli Lilly isn’t going to sell vaccines to a market of 300 million people out of some weird nationalist grudge, idk what to tell you.

Regarding logistics, sure it’s going to be a nightmare for America vs. a country the size of Michigan. We have rural communities and tribal areas where getting regular vaccines will be a challenge, to say nothing of stuff that has to be kept at -80. Score one for ROW, I suppose, hope that cheers you up, mate.

There’s alot of aeroplanes sat around doing nothing.

The vaccine might get shipped around THE WORLD, imagine that. IMPOSSSIBALLL

I am not eager to be first in line for a rushed vaccine of a type that has never been produced before. Am I nuts?


It’s not the first, see Sputnik V. Brazil not having a good experience with this vaccine. Also, Chinese vaccine been around for 4+ motnhs for Chinese military

It later news maybe Vlad will come through…

A little, I mean it’s gone through all the usual safety hoops a vaccine has to go through, right? The fact that it’s an mRNA vaccine instead of a deactivated virus isn’t especially scary, actually it sounds less scary.

But we need those planes for bombing Syrians.


That’s not an mRNA vaccine, I don’t think.

You’ll be about 800 millionth in line

Better response?

I’ll take it as soon as it was available to me but I don’t think it’s irrational not to and see how it goes for the first few months.

Hi Keeeed - be sure to update us in 2022


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Churchill is reveling in the fact that Americans are last in line in the developed world for the vaccine. He thinks it’s funny that a lot of Americans will die before getting a vaccine.

That’s nonsense, we’re not last in line for the vaccine. Hundreds of millions of Americans will be vaccinated in the next 12 months.

I would think USA#1 would be first in line, given our propensity to massively overpay for medicines compared to the rest of the world.

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No Cuse.

I’m merely revelling that at least 50% of our Covid knowledge posters in the thread think they’ll all have a vaccine shot before Feb 2021. Because USA.

I mean see above if you need more proof.

We have more money LDO

The payments have already been made

Uhhh why are they swabbing and not doing urine amplification? Also I just treat all the time, even in normal times

completely disagree with the governor, but actually curious how herd immunity is going to work out for them.

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