COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

People putting lists together of enablers in the Trump admin so they dont give jobs to lunatics.


I 100% approve of this and fuck anyone that doesn’t


That’s not going to because of cold chain logistics, that’s going to be because of the inherent limitations in how fast you can scale production of a vaccine.

That being said anyone who thinks that the US is going to be anywhere but near the front of the line for the vaccine they haven’t been paying attention to world history the last 50 years.

I’m not saying we’re getting 300m doses of vaccine by January or anything. The timeline is probably somewhat correct… but I think we’ll beat it by a month or two because a competent administration will find ways to shift stuff around to get it done faster.

Biggest bunch of babies on the planet… just go get a job with one of those 70mm+ Trump voters that you have been screaming at us about.

Oh, you specifically want a job in one of the blue shithole cities you have been demonizing the last 4 years? Go fuck yourself…


Seriously I would never so much as do business with anyone who was in this White House. It’s an insane proxy for being both stupid and unethical. Those traits aren’t problematic because of politics they’re problematic because they’re risky. Very risky. They also provide no upside unless you’re a mafia associate with NPD who has somehow been elected President of the United States.

Lol at lockdowns don’t work

How could we ever think that limiting people from being close to other people could stop a person-to-person virus?


But he said lockdowns don’t work and I’m sure he’s spent a lot of time researching his position. Don’t be a sheeple.

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They sure as hell do work as seen in that map.

Hell Belgium’s rate was cut nearly in half by a lockdown over a few weeks. Czech Republic’s not quite good but still good.

On that list of cases per 100,000 over 7 days, Prague would be 32nd even though the country it’s in is 7th

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US has 300m doses ordered for delivery ‘before end 2021’

50m doses are up for grabs before end December 2020.

ROW does not give a shit about 50 years ago my friend.

Only Trump and his friends will see a vaccine in the US before 1/1/21

This is an awful post and shows an innate conservatism.

Only Trumpers want you “back to being us yesterday”. We want you to grow the fuck up and, as a huge economy, become more responsible.


Governments around the world have done a splendid job with their response to this pandemic. I’m sure vaccination roll-out will be just as smooth.



16,200 cases today, but somehow deaths drop to 86. Starting to doubt the death numbers a little as South Dakota is somehow claiming to have only 1 covid death the past two days.

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First-time positivity? I assume that’s the test without a second test to confirm right?

Your obsession with dunking on the USA in every post is understandable but also really odd.

Impressive stuff, calculating Covid positvity to a decimal but same country can’t count citizens or votes to the nearest 10m - call me a sceptic - but trends are good

I’m speaking from the perspective of what passes for global leadership in this world. I don’t believe we have a good estimate for how fast this vaccine can be manufactured. This is one of those spots where I’m pretty sure we get out ahead of schedule. It’s the kind of problem our system for all it’s flaws is pretty good at.

You think the government of the UK doesn’t want to do us favors?

I really wish people on this board would make a basic attempt at reading comprehension before assuming negative stuff about people.

Her 2024 candidacy just keeps getting stronger

Easier to tear others down than build yourself up.

Since the UK is a lost cause, why not take solace in the one first world country that might be worse than yours?

If you meant something else you might like to write less ambiguously, because at least three other posters took it the same way.