COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Is your Aunt comfortable your parents don’t have it or are we less worried about the vunerable Aunt here?

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I’m sorry to hear that marty.


Ok guess we have a plan we could follow. Anyone have details on what these countries have done?


My step brother in law is positive. They were on the careful side but step sister works as a nurse practitioner and has been working covid patients on and off. No sign she has it though. He is young and healthy. Apparently looked like hell a few days ago but now is much better.

Also my stupid deplorable aunt started spreading anti mask shit on Facebook and some rando destroyed her. My wife joined in and now I don’t think we ever have to worry about full family get togethers anymore after covid. A silver lining to 2020.


Targeted lockdowns* (areas) followed by Countrywide lockdown* when that didn’t work

*lockdown not as harsh as Euro lockdown 1.0 (schools still open) but still way harsher than USA lockdown lite, hence the ‘waves’ in EU graphs and ‘surges’ in the US graph

The turn in tide seems to take at least 5 weeks

Ha, yeah, my brother asked me if I was going home for the holidays, I said lol man I only need a stubbed toe to bail, what I’ve got is 100x overkill.


I can’t even tell what’s going on in NH because the state dashboards have crashed. But there is a recent announcement that the state has scaled back contract tracing efforts. Which translates to “we are screwed” in my mind.

The “good news” is that you know exactly what’s going on in NH. Same as everywhere else.

UK has had the ‘rule of 6’ people max, indoors or out, for ~10 weeks now…

One analysis from Georgia Institute of Technology researchers found the risk of having a Covid-positive individual at even a 10-person sized gathering could be close to 100% in the worst-hit parts of the US.

CBS News reports 15 states saw the numbers of patients in hospital due to the virus double in the last month. Hospitals have warned that facilities could be overwhelmed if the trends continue.

Colder weather has forced people indoors, and experts say pandemic fatigue is also making Americans less cautious.

  • Republican governors in Iowa , Ohio and Utah have issued mask mandates
  • Ohio’s governor has also threatened to shut bars and gyms if the outbreak worsens
  • In Minnesota , bars and restaurants must shut by 22:00 local time
  • Wisconsin and Nevada residents have been asked to stay at home for two weeks to avoid a return to restrictions
  • The Democratic governors of California , Oregon and Washington state have issued a travel advisory, discouraging non-essential travel and requesting people to quarantine post-travel
  • New York has ordered bars and restaurants that serve alcohol to close by 22:00 local time; gatherings are limited to 10 people
  • The city of Chicago has a stay-at-home advisory beginning on Monday, and non-essential businesses must close by 23:00 local time; gatherings are limited to 10 people
  • The city of Detroit has moved all students to remote learning due to the virus spikes
  • Indiana has halted reopening and limited social gatherings and events
  • Maryland has ordered restaurants to reduce indoor capacity to 50%

This from my highly educated lawyer friend I now speak to annually. I don’t even know where to start.


Lockdowns don’t work!



Or the US govt could seize manufacturing facilities and repurpose for dry ice and -80 freezers. Not going to hold mu breath on that though.

I think everyone the government contacts about this will know that the option to say no isn’t really on the table. I doubt there will be many issues with the temperature. It’s a piece of trivia, not an actual restriction. The entire US economy is in thrall to being able to get this vaccine out. This country is still the United States of America and just because the Trump gang doesn’t know how to use it doesn’t mean it can’t do some crazy shit and quickly when the controls are worked semi competently.

How fast they can scale vaccine production is going to be the bottleneck probably.

This whole thing really is almost entirely Donald Trump and his many enablers fault.

easy, be simple. Say you’re wrong on all accounts.

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TBH, the Trump gang will be out of office so won’t have much of a hand in distribution.

You guys can just copy how the countries that ordered the vaccine before the US distribute it. It will be solved before it’s a problem IMO. Like climate change.

What is the Trump Accountability Project? I like the sound of that.


Dude we can just buy the formula and nationalize the production entirely inside our borders. It won’t be the cheapest possible production cost but it won’t be all that bad. There’s 0 chance the rest of the world locks us out of the vaccine because Orange was our president. Not if they want us to keep single handedly funding global pharma research with our garbage fire of a heathcare system.

Plus in terms of human life saved we’re one of the places on earth most in need of vaccinations because our leadership for the last 4 years was worse than Zimbabwe’s. This is going to be the first favor for Biden everyone is stumbling over themselves to help him with.

The world wants us back to being us yesterday. We’re a load bearing part of the world order.

Not sure if serious but happy to respond if not a troll

Here’s how the UK will spend the first 10m doses

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