COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

COVID-19 has an extremely odd proofreading mechanism that’s very rare in viruses. I’ve posted about this before. It should mutate relatively slowly. Even then, a vaccine should give you some level of immunity to the mutated version.

I’m not a doctor and I have no real training in this field outside googling and listening to podcasts about infections disease. So take with a grain of salt.


That’s what they’re saying and that’s what the vaccines are said to be targeting, but who knows what happens mutation wise if/when we vaccinate against that specific part of it?

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I think it’s less likely as mutations to the spike protein would be likely to make the virus less efficient, although again I’m not sure.


I haven’t gone into a store or restaurant since March.


Update on this. My 95 yo step father in law’s head is ok, but he broke a hip falling and they replaced it. The surgery probably happened this morning. It took my wife and M-in-L like 12 hours to find out whether it actually happened and if he was alive today and basically that is all that is known - alive and had surgery.



Welp I’m back to March levels of anxiety. I’ve convinced myself the Midwest is going to get absolutely destroyed over the next 5 - 6 months…not that it hasn’t started. I just don’t see a way out now. We’ve gone over the edge haven’t we?


Look how small those first two surges are getting. 7dma over 135k now.

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That’s only true if you think everyone who has been confirmed to have it has also somehow been exposed to another contagious person after recovering.

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Hospitals breaking down might give people pause. Other than that, I think it’s full speed ahead for the next few weeks until we run out of susceptible people. Ohio has basically given up.

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Yeah everyone is basically over it until the hospitals collapse, then I guess we’ll see. Until then it’s just a number on the tv screen.

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Gotta be honest. If I get the vaccine, I’m switching from a real mask to a less effective but more comfortable alternative. As it stands, if I exert myself even a little bit, I sweat my tail off because of the mask. I wear them, but really hate them.

And I think we can come up with something as a society that identifies those who’ve either had a confirmed covid case or had the vaccine.

I’m just venting, so skip over this if you’re in WAAF mode and don’t want anything else shitty to think about.

The mental health burden of COVID is going to last for months/years past whenever a vaccine arrives. I don’t have a single client family who hasn’t been deeply impacted by this. I have seven-year-old clients losing their parents and grandparents. Kids on the autism spectrum who are just getting further behind in social skills practice. Kids with ADHD and anxiety who are internalizing the failures of a disorganized school system. Depressed teens who haven’t seen their friends in months and are wondering whether it’s even worth staying alive through all of this.

Hang in there, everyone. It will get better, eventually.



True, but you also have to consider that some of these people got a false positive or a clerical error the first time.

Aus government just announced national vaccine policy. Not mandatory (which somewhat surprised me) and focused on elderly and otherwise vulnerable. GL us lol

Months ago Morrison floated making it “as mandatory as possible” and there was a shitstorm so he backed off.

Stop humblebragging about your covid-free island (I know it’s not technically an island). We get it, you have 99.99% less virus in 'Straya. You win, we lose.

Also, I’ll have you know I just finished my first proper watch of Mad Max, and man, some utterly terrible gang-avoidance decisions were made by all in the middle act, so don’t count me among the impressed with the cunning of your people.


The above post was conceived under the influence, pay it no mind