COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Again, we aren’t getting to herd immunity

Pozzing 230M people takes a LONG time even with our insanity

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My hospital has now tied our peak covid census. We don’t have as many vented patients as before (yet), but last time we were at this number new daily cases in the community were dropping steadily. We are royally fucked. GL everyone. Stay the fuck home if you can, if you can’t I highly recommend N95s for even quick stops in public.


I thought he was a “doctor”.

An ophthalmologist but yeah in a distant sort of way. I don’t care what kind of medical professional you are, being in any way involved in perpetuating this thing… it’s extremely not good? How do you claim you didn’t know any better?

I’ve been smoking so I don’t want to take this tangent too far but we blame and hate the wrong people. You watch movies about 1000 years ago and the politician is always some groveling tool that the actual power uses to get done what they want. The whole ruse of DEMOCRACY when both sets of politicians report back to the same masters is genius. Literally nothing has changed except the ruling class has gotten better and better at being the ruling class and disguising it.

Anyone who is a real threat gets the Bernie or AOC treatment by the media who is again owned by the same people that own all the politicians.

And to tie this back to Covid that’s the real reason we won’t stop it. That’s the real reason we will let it rip through poor, minority and old communities. That’s the real reason why the rich are astroturfing LIBERATE MICHIGAN. And on and on and on. The rich have gotten way richer during the pandemic. Small businesses which are the real competitors to these people have been wiped out. And who cares if some peasants die. That’s the way its always been.


Nah 100% real doctor in one of the most competitive specialties out there. Hasn’t done any doctoring outside of the eye stuff since his intern year though.

Smart enough to know better though.

What I remember is some shenanigans around his Board certs. But yeah he should still know better but is, like, an idiot.

The shenanigans was on the board Paul was pissed at though. They decided to not make any of the old guys take recerts (read: pay money to the board) while the younger ones had to recert however often (read: pay money to the board). These re-cert tests are things that basically everyone passes…

At least that’s my understanding for the last part. That’s how it is for my boards. For me, recerts are take home tests that are open book with no time limit that you can retake. The main filter of medicine is getting into medical school.

Rand Paul and Scott Atlas are fucking ■■■■■■■■■■ though. Atlas especially. He can go back to his fucking shadowbox room where we hide radiologists from the general public where he can fucking read my CT scans for strokes. Asshole has no business being anywhere near epidemiology or clinical medicine. His job to approve the unnecessary MRI I’m ordering, not to guide covid policy.


I guess people really wanted a repeat lesson on exponential growth from March.

Columbus public schools were real close to going to hybrid starting in Nov, but luckily decided to stay virtual as things had already trended poorly in mid October. I’m glad and am sure they are too that the decision was made. At this point January is looking like it will be impossible since Trump et all would rather ignore the problem. Wondering if we will see any in school time in my daughter’s 1st grade at this point.

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Renodoc was my introduction to objectively “smart” idiots


You went to law school, right?


My understanding from skimming links people post here is that reinfection is likely possible but less common and your body is more adept at handling the virus. So collectively we can get to herd immunity, but it’s still irresponsible to carry on your normal life (for yourself but more for others imo)

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That’s actually ■■■■■■■■■■■


I see no basis why herd immunity is possible in the USA. It doesn’t really matter for people in California if North Dakota achieved herd immunity by infecting everyone. I dont think herd immunity can even be achieved with Covid, but if it can, its in smaller communities, not a gigantic nation of well over 300 million people.

First there’s the straight up we don’t know part about long term immunity and long term ability to carry the virus.

Second, there’s the more practical reason, you aren’t going to be able to ID who has actually had the virus and recovered.

Others can weigh in more on the science, but to me the real risk is that even if he were completely technically correct that every single person who had Covid and fully recovers will be immune for a certain period of time (which we are NOT sure of), telling everyone they are immune:

  • leads people who are still contagious to get back out there as soon as they feel even a bit better because they think they’re in the clear

  • leads people who never had an official diagnosis but just think they had Covid because they had some symptoms to assume they are clear

  • encourages people who have not had Covid to start taking riskier behavior so that they can just “get it over with” and then have permission to resume the normal life they miss so much

Even if his argument is correct, the way he framed it is horrible from a public health perspective.


On the other hand, once pretty much everyone has had it, you won’t need to identify who has and hasn’t. You just have to hope long term immunity is a real thing.

(Which it doesn’t appear to be.)

We’re currently doubling every 2.5 weeks or so. Without mitigation, just doing some back of the napkin number crunching, we would hit herd immunity by March I think, assuming it’s a real thing.

Just in time to start handing out vaccines, because we truly do live on the dumbest timeline imaginable.


But it’s brilliantly framed if you’re trying to maximize the rate of people dying for the Dow.