COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

150k new cases today. waaf

really dreading every day now.

Like, this is exactly what zoom and Jackbox and Among Us is for but we are too fucking stupid as a society to use our technology to stay connected while staying apart. Its atrocious.

We have the fullest capabilities to stay connected without being physically present and we wont do it. Hell, fucking VR Chat allows you to be as physically present as possible without being in the same room as somebody else and people will just refuse to ever use it.

We are anti-intellectual garbage.


Hell we might hit 160 today.

3rd coworker positive today, (since the beginning). In a grocery store.

1st 2 were isolated cases. Current pozz has been good with masks so hopefully the streak continues.


These latest numbers are truly WILD. October 30th had an outlier of 101k cases when the surrounding days were in the low 90s or high 80s. Apart from that day though, the first time you broke 100k cases was… Nov 4th, 8 days ago. And now you’re cruising past 150k just like that.

Super depressing.


What was your previous screen name? I remember you avatar but can’t place the name and it’s bugging me.

Instead of a graph, I present to you actual weekly numbers for my county of 290,000 in Puget Sound:


No kidding. We are going to blast past 160 today 170 tomorrow and into the 200s next week if I had to guess.

It seems like today is the day everybody else figured out what we all knew was coming. I got an earful of panic from several family members this afternoon. Lots of things are being shut down in the area, and I expect a lot more in the coming days.


Hey, remember in the '90s when Tom Hanks and his wife had Covid?

Yeah, that was only about 8 months ago.


The nearest I can tell we did 160000 today on 1.3m tests which is a nationwide pozz rate of 12.3%. Seems really bad to me.


Province previously forecast 1,200 new daily cases by mid-November, a number surpassed this week

Asked if further restrictions are needed to curb the rising curve, Brown offered this response without elaborating:

Without it, he said, “You’ll continue to see growth in cases, you’ll see more ICU cases, more deaths in long term care homes, even with new restrictions if they were implemented today, you’d still see growth in mortality as it takes some times to filter through the system.”

As for the apparent disconnect between today’s modelling and the province’s response, Warner said:

"I’m really at a loss for words. I feel like Premier Ford and Dr. David Williams are on an island by themselves making decisions independently. Because the decisions they’re making make absolutely no sense.

cliffs: We are fucked unless the powers that be take action aka implement restrictions which they don’t want to apparently.

Way too many people decided that Covid was over and now we are all just going to walk off a cliff. Really infuriating.

Herd immunity here we come but how many lives are going to be sacrificed to get there?

Human lives don’t matter one bit and we are just disposable pawns.

The capital class has just given us shinier trinkets to trick all of us into thinking we aren’t still kitchen wenches and feudal field hands to one extent or another. Covid kind of lays that bare when the human cost is second by a mile to making sure the gold keeps flowing into the coffers of the ruling class. Also I think a lot of us making decent money have been tricked as to which group we are actually in. That doesn’t help.


Why don’t you get your ass beat again and get covid again in the process you ignorant fuckwit.


Seriously, where is his neighbor when you need him?


I know a lot of upper middle class professionals, Covid definitely has created more blowback in terms of “why are you giving all my taxes to billionaires, this is bullshit”.


This man is a doctor and a libertarian. Grifters, the entire party, top to bottom.