COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


At my Costco, I have seen exactly zero people without a mask on, but I guess this was a problem elsewhere.

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Jfc. They just showed some of the parent input into suburban Philly Montgomery county meeting about potentially doing a 2 week school shutdown.

Parent after parent saying “kids don’t spread” “spread doesn’t happen in schools” “they wash their hands all the time”

Every freaking moron economist that has done some bullshit study needs to be sent on a Caribbean cruise with Corey Lewandowski and Mark Meadows.


Today’s update: 15,705 new cases and 99 deaths but that’s with South Dakota not reporting deaths today. Both Dakotas and Wisconsin hit all time highs for new cases today.

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The idea that more economists takes on corona seem to get traction with the media than epidemiologists really says all you need to say about our media. Burn it all down. Between them and people related by blood or marriage to Trump you’ve got 85%+ of the responsibility for this massacre allocated.

This last 4 years was the biggest test the media is ever going to get and to say they failed it totally is a massive understatement.


He’s 87 years old.

More like Don Old


More like Former Rep. Don Old


Unless you are talking about social media, the MSM has done a great job presenting accurate info ad understood by science and giving the issue an appropriate amount of urgency.

Lol… IHME Model.

I rest my case.


Okay, maybe Czech government isn’t that dumb. They’re proposing a 30 day extension of the state of emergency (the maximum that can be done at one time).

Can’t see them getting approval from the legislature since they only get approval for 14 days in early November when it was worse than it is now.

I posted this on LinkedIn. Trying very hard to not be political. Just facts. Let’s see what kind of bullshit comments I get:

Sigh. This is simply projecting 3% daily increase and cases with a 2% case fatality rate after 28 days. Note we are increasing at more than 3% currently. The death rate has been pretty consistently just below 2% for a couple of months. Note we likely won’t see 500,000 cases per day only because testing won’t be able to keep up. About half of this curve is baked in already. Anything we do now doesn’t show up until December or even mid-December. As we learned in spring and summer, when case rates are very high, then outcomes become worse as the health care systems become overwhelmed. Also note that the big population states are only now starting to go up and become exponential. This is currently being driven by rural areas in the upper midwest. Please make safe decisions for the holidays and understand when public health officials start to close down again.



jman you rascal


Not that it matters any more than, you know, dead people, but canceling elective surgeries, again this winter, is going to kill hospitals. A lot of hospitals were already digging into capital to buy up practices and other hospital networks before COVID and were put into the hole with finding PPE in the spring.

This is cactus right?

Welp, one of my wife’s best friends from college may have died of COVID. His clients/coworkers had it, so he got tested on Monday. No symptoms, died in his sleep last night. His wife checked his e-mail and saw the positive test result. So I guess she doesn’t know for sure if COVID killed him yet.

My wife called him her “big brother” in college. I only met him once or twice, but he was one of those guys that when you meet him, you know you are meeting the nicest person you have ever encountered. I distinctly remember him being more excited for us at our wedding than even I was.


Carnival down nearly 8% today.

Gee… I wonder why

This was inevitable, right? Like the Venn diagram of Trumpy hoaxers and cruise ship markets has tons of overlap.


how long before reps are shamed into gov’t owned healthcare? at least a few clinics/hospitals are going to need gov’t bailouts.