COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


Not sure if this includes today but MN has 7200 today. That pretty much puts it up there with the Dakotas.

I think capital is basically getting exactly what it wants: the fast track to herd immunity. A vaccine in six months? Fuck that, we can hit herd immunity in three or four. Two or three months of booming stock markets vs a million deaths? Invest in crematoriums.

No federal aid = no shutdowns because states can’t run deficits and thus can’t provide enough help to get people through a shutdown.

No help means most people with jobs can’t afford to stay home, they have to work.

Capital will want a huge stimulus bill when herd immunity is reached, though. In the mean time it wouldn’t mind some help for hospitals so they can expand capacity, schools if they stay open, and ditch diggers for shallow graves. Anything to grease the skids of herd immunity.

Shit’s pretty serious if the Irish are closing the pubs.


Don’t tax the 1%, tax the upper middle class working from home!

These mother fuckers want to make people go back to work or pay a penalty for staying home. Exactly what we need in a raging pandemic, financial incentive to go get pozzed. Fuck you fuck you fuck youuuuuuu.


Chicago implementing a lockdown.

An advisory, it appears.

I’m looking forward to Mitch explaining why white collar workers should pay 5% more in taxes, but the 1% should get tax cuts. Please proceed, motherfucker. Please. Proceed.

Well, my cousin got pozzed. First member of my extended family to get it to my knowledge. He’s staying in an RV, but he still may have given it to his family and maybe his folks. They’re some of the Trumpiest members of my extended family, and they’re in rural Minnesota, so I figured this was pretty likely. Still kinda sad though.


My friend’s wife is a teacher who’s been forced back in suburban Philly, working four days a week in split classes. Her largest class was 7 kids, one had five, the rest just a few. She mostly teaches special ed.

Yesterday was the deadline for parents to decide on virtual vs in person for January. One of her classes is going from five to 24.

People are completely, totally over it. It’s time to crank up the furnaces and shovel the corpses in, guys. This pandemic is fucking destroying us this winter. Absolutely fucking destroying us. And by our own choice.

Give us freedom and give us death! Death for all! You get a death and you get a death and you get a death. Everybody gets a death! Whoo!!!

Future historians are going to be completely mystified. Let me help you out, future historians. We’re fucking idiots. Absolute goddamn morons. The whole fucking lot of us. Even those of us who fancy ourselves smart are absolutely fucking incapable of convincing the dumber ones that this is a real thing to take seriously, so we’re fucking dumbasses too.

Fire up the crematoriums, ain’t gonna be room in the graveyards.

Jesus Christ.


Waifu works in the OR, found out today all elective surgeries will be cancelled as of Monday. That’s good. They will likely mandate her to work on another floor. That’s bad. She’s pregnant. This sucks.



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meh, verge of striking? Can’t say I know philly nursing labor relations particularly well. However, this doesn’t strike me as particularly worrisome or abnormal.

Sounds like they’re a day or two away, and this is on the front end of the new wave. What happens in January?

Just seen this story many times, and it rarely ends in a strike where nurses stop working.

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Sorry to hear this.

For Ohio State to cancel raises is absolutely indefensible. Meanwhile they solicit alums constantly to give “in these tough times” blah blah blah. The school has like a $10 billion endowment and will probably get another couple billion of Wexner’s dirty money when he dies.

Hopefully it ends in them actually being taken care of properly.


nominees 2 for the price of 1

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Not a chance lol.

What a prick and another nominee

73 years old
Small room
Tried to coerce others to take their masks off