COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You are just evaporating liquid carbon dioxide so yeah it seems like it should be a pretty simple process.

I will never not be angry that the Trump admin couldn’t figure out the logistics of slowing COVID down when they had the logistical cheat code all along. I don’t think anyone knows how smoothly my shit would go if I had the DPA behind me. It would be like butter.

Ponied but repeating for an excellent nominee, your friend and mine Cory Lewandowski


This is at the ferry terminal, so my guy was taking mass transit all over the city with no mask.

Also, guess where all the Republicans in NYC live?

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Blow up the bridges and blockade the ferries.


Well OSU hospital’s are getting hosed. My wife works at the James Cancer Hospital and told me that while they are making room in other temp areas (not sure the terminology) they are super under staffed to be able to handle it. She is a Nurse Practitioner and they may have to resort to having some people like her at the James pickup nursing shifts to help.

On top of that, OSU really forgot to hop on that extra cash for declaring COVID cases /s… They just recently announced that they are cancelling annual raises this year. They did get their 300$ bonus and a little gift bag thing with several masks and stuff however!

Meanwhile I guess the private hospital Ohio Health is rewarding all their staff with double bonuses this year. They were able to do this despite forgoing 350 Million in revenue during spring shutdowns.


I mean shit, that “closure” is more open than Santa Clara county’s “opening,” which itself has led to a big and growing uptick in cases.

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The whole damn country is looking back at NYC in March and deciding, “Hold my beer.”


The tough thing to wrap my head around is that we are at 1400-1500 deaths the last few days and if you go back 28 days we had a 7dma of 55,000. Our 7dma now is 125,000. Which means even a full lockdown right now still results in death totals on some days greater than 9/11.

And we aren’t shutting down.


Keep firing, assholes!

Anybody know if the Impractical Jokers guys are deplorable? My best guess is no, but they are Staten Islandites

I suspect Q might be but the rest aren’t.

Christmas comes early to North Dakota!

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They’re clamping down hard on schools at least!

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Yeah, Q gives me some JonTron vibes

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Nurses practioners and/or nurses going through the Year of Hell, being national heroes all day every day, aren’t getting raises this year. Instead, they’re getting a gift bag with… additional face masks!

chefskiss.jpg, just peak 2020. Satire is dead forever.


More bad news I’m afraid:


They don’t even really get that. For one of my wife’s two icu jobs she still bought 2 $200 specialized masks because the mask situation there was not to her liking.


MN :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: