COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Terrible set of half measures. Almost worse than doing nothing as the shit is hitting the fan. Basically everyone can continue doing everything they were before, with some slight tinkering on the margins.

This paves the way for a rationale of “we already acted on this, we have to let the new restrictions work!”


Nobody can actually shut down without federal support. We pass a stimulus bill before we lock down or we never do. The states are already in deep shit budget wise and pretty close to out of resources. I’m not sure what we expect them to do. This entire situation is Trump’s fault, and he’s not even going to let us start on this until 1/20.


We are way past that. The logistics of keeping the vaccine cold are going to determine where the vaccinations happen not the transmission odds.

If everyone wears a mask and moves in and out quickly the transmission odds are low everywhere. It’s the people doing insanely obvious dumb shit that are driving this.

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Yeah, aside from school closures, these arent good enough

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The states need to be confident in the fact that a Biden admin will make them whole after the fact. Hospital overrun in the middle of flu season and the holidays is going to kill a massive amount of state populations and decimate their economies anyway

The Biden administration can’t make any such promises without the Senate. We should all try to make the best peace we can with the strong possibility that no additional resources are coming and multiple states are going bankrupt… and that there won’t be another shut down no matter how obvious it is that it’s the only sane thing to do.



No need to quarantine if students all parties were wearing masks. Lol Missouri. Sigh.

Just what we needed.

This is why the House Democrats should be passing bills RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Make the messaging that we need those two GA senate seats.


We may not hit reported deaths by then. But actual covid deaths. Yes.

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Like I said Nancy is so bad at her job that it’s causing me real physical discomfort. It’s pretty rich that the eDems think her performance is OK but Feinsteins wasn’t. They’re within 1% of each other on effectiveness. I’ll grant that mathematically that makes Pelosi infinitely more effective than Feinstein, but that’s where you have to go to make her look good.

Absolutely none of these ancient ghouls can block, tackle, pass the ball, run the ball, or catch the ball. They do not belong on the field at all.

I know that in a place like this the most common arguments for and against something are had in a fantasy world where we get to do whatever we want… but the big problem inside the Democratic Party right now isn’t centrism… it’s incompetence.

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She’s brilliant at her job. She’s doing it right now.

Look we can have an argument about whether it’s corruption or incompetence if you want, but at this point the difference is kind of irrelevant. Compromised or incapable are not good choices to have to make.

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Yeah that’s where we’re at. We have to get her out of power.

Limited to 75% at church. Yeah that will really stop the virus.


Eff. My wife’s co-worker and good friend is poz. The friend has been doing one day a week in the office and there are two other known cases. Thankfully my wife has been remote.

Mild so far. 102 temp. Pulse ox good. Moderate respiratory and moderate body pains.

Her adult daughter is neg and is staying with her bf now.

I am hopeful that she got a low dose due to wearing a mask.


Did anybody else get about halfway through the list of new Indianapolis restrictions and start thinking, “Close all shops in the mall! Cancel the three ring circus!”?


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C’mon down Corey you dope.