COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

My 6th grader is most definitely happy to do remote learning, as sitting in front of the computer is his comfort zone. He is just having trouble getting organized (probably would’ve been worse in person, tbh).

My 8th grader is a total nerd and likes going to school. She is on video chat with her friends every day, but obviously wants to be able to see them in person. I think she is more comfortable with the idea of being home the rest of the school year than she was a few weeks ago, though.

We’re well into the masturbatory fantasy territory here.


We spend a lot of time over at the other side of the pool. There’s actually a decent chance this goes better than anyone dreamed about.

I’m out.


Yeah there literally a 0% chance Trump faces any legal consequences.

Democrats start prosecuting Republican presidents and they’ll be fucked too. Let’s be real: the Republicans are way, way better at playing dirty than the Democrats. Plus they’ve stacked the courts over the last four years.

The states of NY and NJ are the main players here as are the AG’s of any other blue states Trump has done meaningful business in. This is not about the political calculus of the national party it’s about the political calculus of the individual state AG’s. The feds cases if they were to pursue them would have to start the process at the earliest on day 1 of the Biden administration. The state of NY is probably already ready to charge him for several felonies. Trump sure as shit hasn’t been stacking the state courts in NY.

So what we’re really asking is ‘will the Democratic and Republican establishment do a significant amount of lifting to prevent Donald Trump from facing legal consequences?’ I think that’s a hard no. I think there will be lots of speeches about tyranny from the GOP and some concerned Democrats talking about norms and both sidesing, but nobody is going to really go to bat for Donald in a big way. Nobody likes him that much.

Imagine defending defending Donald Trump to the Democratic base. Your career would be over. Show me the brave centrist who is willing to roll those dice.

Nixon got pardoned because he resigned and essentially got to do a deal with his successor from the same party. Trump is going to be followed by a Democrat.

Can we take the Trump derail to the Trump thread - just sayin’


The UK has already ordered 5,000 of the Nudgebox machines and 5.8 million of the disposable cartridges.

Good job as UK considering short term new national rules for temporary lockdown lite (schools open, everything else limited opening hours with most non-essential staff being asked to work from home again)…


I had my first freak out the other day when I was leaving the beach and towel changing out of my wetsuit on the street between two cars and I overheard a young girl say “do I have to wear a mask mommy?" and her mom replied “no” and then they walked straight at me in between my car with no masks on when were tons of room and other places they could have walked and I shot her a look and said “excuse you” super loud as they were walking past but uh honestly i hate freaking out at women in public like i’m probably just being misogynistic.

Also on a related note this morning I decided to reply to 2x bodyboard world champion jared houston’s instagram story when he posted a picture of his bodyboard with #covidcure and this was our exchange


These are the types of posts you see on instagram when you click on #covidcure… you know, because there is no cure…

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Yikes! Forgot which thread this was lol

Prague is at “red” on this arbitrary traffic light system the Czech government made up. Some additional restrictions in Prague

-No indoor gatherings of more than 10 people.
-Distance learning at all universities (with a few exceptions)
-Hospital visits prohibited as of today 6 pm. Exceptions for children and dying patients.
-Masks mandatory at outdoor events of more than 100 people

They initially announced that secondary schools would be closed but that part was taken back. I suspect that they will be though. With the way things are progressing, it’s really a matter of time. I thought that schools wouldn’t get through this week but we somehow made it. Some students have another trip next week and I sincerely doubt our school can dodge another bullet like we’ve done so far.

I have most of my classes set up with distance learning. Even got some software for recording online lectures.



What does their OFS look like?


In Jane Austen books, it makes you quite the catch.


Yeah they are trying to fuck with the % positive rate in FL/TX I’m guessing. Abbot just created a protocol for family visiting their old people in Texas that involves getting tested. These people will be way less positive than the current flow and will further gum up the works.

France broke up for school holidays ~15 July since returning 15 May - not too much spread during that time to stoke your fears

FYI French tracking ‘Task Force’ blames spread on internal travel to coastal hotspots by French residents during summer, not school. French ‘schools’ still open, ‘universities’ may be not so.

France also opened for Euro tourism 1 July with Germans, French, Spanish and UK residents travelling to France for vacation. Can’t of helped!

Have they improved the security on Elba since 1815?

Sounds like things started opening in mid August with full OFS Sept 1.

In other news

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Hey similar stuff has happened before lol

They should send Trump to ADX Florence with the unabomber and el chapo


[Gov] Herbert attributed the increase largely to schools reopening — which he had previously encouraged them to do — calling out Brigham Young University in Provo by name. Students there, he said, have been openly defying policies and recommendations to wear masks and holding dance parties off campus that he believes have spread the virus.