COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You are living in fantasyland if you think Donald Trump is going to spend a single minute in jail. Notwithstanding the very, very, very real chance that he’s going to be President for another 4.5 years, our entire political system is skewed to protect their own, including members of the opposition. Do you really think the political elite want to start seeing former Presidents thrown into prison when they leave office? He’ll blanket pardon himself, his family, and everyone else in his orbit before leaving office anyhow.

But “State Charges!” you say. I’d expect there is a goodly percentage of Dems who wouldn’t feel comfortable with jailing their political opposition, even if it’s a scumbag like Trump.

And this also ignores the fact that rich and well-connected people don’t actually do jail in the US. Jail is for poors and minorities, ldo.


Pretty much exactly this. I’m as pro-vaccine as you can get, and I will certainly be taking a long hard look at whatever candidates come to market here in the US, compare that to what is happening in the rest of the world, and tread very carefully. I’ve been able to modify my lifestyle making some significant but doable adjustments and have effectively reduced my risk of contracting COVID-19 to near zero. Assuming things stay roughly the same, I’ll see how ya’ll do and go from there.

That said, when I feel that there is a safe and effective vaccine available, I’ll absolutely fist pump and take it, and I’ll feel the same bemused and ambivalent contempt toward those that reject it and die due to their silly ideologies forsaking them.

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That’s where your argument breaks. Donald Trump is the malignant narcissist who has been torturing all of them for four long years. These people didn’t get into politics so that they wouldn’t be able to hurt the people it gave them pleasure to hurt. The instant Trump doesn’t have them by the balls they are going to gut him from his dick to the top of his head. Mitch McConnell will make concerned noises in public while watching the coverage of the trial with that evil shit eating grin. They’re going to feed him to the wolves and profit from it politically. It’s the Mitchiest thing ever.

There’s a reason why most historical tyrants career trajectory is meteoric rise (because of all the steps they skip trampling norms) followed by an even sharper fall when they leave power. Exile is usually the best case outcome.

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IMO, US politicians will be very reticent to call for the imprisonment of their political rivals. I guess we shall see what happens in either 6 months or 4.5 years.

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BWAHAHAHAHA - half of USA#1 isn’t sure if other countries even exist or they’re just libtard propaganda.


I’m going to wait and see what Jenny McCarthy has to say about the vaccine before making my decision.


Trump is a special case in a whole lot of different ways. They don’t see him as a ‘political rival’ or a ‘us politician’. They see him as an interloper who abused the ever living shit out of them for years and then left them with a bunch of nightmare fuel to clean up.

A lot of that ‘don’t set a bad precedent’ stuff is bullshit anyway. It’s just them not having a good shot and being risk averse. Besides the precedent to be scared of is a grifter like Trump realizing that their voters are a great target again.

Yep acknowledged.

I just went into a grocery store for the first time since covid showed up. Small, higher end local place. Holiday dinner and needed stuff that can’t get delivered in time, and I trust myself more than my parents to be safe in the store. First person I see in the produce section not only has her mask below her nose, but hanging away from her face like a horse feeding bag. I could see her lips. Like what the fuck is wrong with people? I scoffed at her and said “seriously?” but I don’t think she cared. I wish I made a bigger deal but I just wanted to get away from her asap. I then heard two employees talking about her saying “that frustrates me so much” but doing nothing more. It sucks that retail employees are put in this position, but they or a manager need to kick idiots out of their store. It’s not that complicated.

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Well yes, but he did stipulate reasonable Americans.

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My city’s high school made it one whole week before they had to close down due to a positive test. Consider me shocked

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How about:

  1. Reads a confession to every fucking thing on camera. Russia on down.

  2. Says on camera that his supporters were pawns he didn’t care one bit about.

  3. Flips on everyone who served him and broke the law, and agrees to testify against them.

  4. Serves 1 week in prison and 5 years under house arrest.

Never happening, but I’d be thrilled with that deal. In theory #3 is the real key. If we’re not going to make future presidents consider the threat of jail time, let’s make all their underlings do so. It’s hard to rise to dictator if all your fascist minions know they’re going to do hard time if it doesn’t work.

Nah he’s got a strong immune system for lawbrovid, I’m confident he’ll make a full recovery.

Oklahoma just reported it’s highest number of new cases since July. We are right at about 4 weeks since school started so about when you would expect to start to see the impact of OFS. My wife is hearing from friends in the medical field that her hospital is not the only one filling up with Covid patients right now either.

Cobb County School District (ATL) sent an update saying that the numbers they wanted to see decrease have gotten below the threshold they were targeting. Thus, F2F/remote option is still starting next month (has been full remote). They did say that they still might keep the remote option the entire school year to make parents more comfortable. Then again, sounds like most parents feel good about sending their kids back, as the principal said the response is like 75/25 right now.

Did they have to close is down because of OBIDEN’S failure to contain the swine flu?

Our school system fought like hell for remote learning but the parents wouldn’t have it. Who else is going to baby sit?

No covid cases in my son’s school 5 weeks in.

But next week is fall break so will be lots of traveling and interaction with others outside the community so some will bring it back I’m sure.

If the school somehow fades covid for a few quarters my son won’t be so happy to be remote learning.

But right now he’s worried about getting to go to school next fall for his first year of middle school. He already figures his entire 5th grade will be remote for him.

I told him there is a decent chance he can go to school next fall, but maybe I’m being too optimistic?