COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah a ton of people want to wait for like a year to see if its really safe. Even people who believe in vaccines and science. I know a lot of them personally.

You guys think its possible/likely workplaces, schools etc all require them in blue states? Probably not right?

Problem is in that year or two facebook is gonna be crazy with fake stories of people having horrible reactions so who knows if that ever goes up. If Biden wins and the vaccine comes out under his admin obviously the majority of Trumpers won’t get it unless schools/work/travel etc all require it. Even then there will be shit like religious exemptions etc.

Setting aside anti vaxxers, for Americans that have pretty valid concerns that the Trump admin will rush an unsafe vaccine cant they just watch what sane countries do? Like if Germany, Canada, and New Zealand all approve a vaccine then I think reasonable Americans can assume its safe

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Sure but that just switches to a different group of people if Trump loses. No way these Trumpers are going to trust a vaccine that comes out during Bidens campaign, only the smarter more vulnerable ones will so the majority won’t imo.

I think the move is to have Bill Gates pay Trump 20 million to endorse the vaccine and push it hard on his supporters. Look at how much mask usage increased when Trump finally pushed it. He controls 10s of millions of people like puppets.

If he doesn’t get paid he’s going to go hard in the paint against the vaccine. Hell he might even try to leverage it to get out of legal trouble.

There are no reasonable people when it comes to like 40% of the population unless daddy tells them to be reasonable.


That’s actually how I’d feel if I was in America.

About half of Czechs are wary of a vaccine too.

In school related news, the teacher who tested positive for covid in my school did not get it while on holiday with one of my classes. Rather, she and her son had symptoms before travelling with them and went anyway.

Those students and teacher come back in a week from their quarantine. The school principal appears resigned to the fact that the school will eventually be shut down and is telling us to prepare for distance learning.

PS We broke 3,000 cases in a day. Earlier this week it was half that in a day.

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Considering that Trump is the world’s worst negotiator he’d probably do it for a lot less than that.


He’s going to have a hard time manipulating those people from a NY state lockup with his twitter banned. If I was Trump I’d skip the inauguration and be on a charter to exile in Russia. He’s got ~12 hours before some ambitious prosecutor slaps on the cuffs.

I wish I was still as optimistic as you. I don’t know how you do it. I’m pretty confident the chance goes to actual jail is 0%. There is just no way its going to happen. Like seriously try to imagine a former president in jail. Is secret service in there with him? How would it even work?

It’s just never going to happen. Plus there is almost no jury in the country that won’t have a few Trumpers on it.

I feel like the most we can hope for his he has legal troubles for the rest of his life and is sued into oblivion. But he will never be poor again because no matter how much he gets sued he will be able to grift from 10s of millions of idiots.


I’m not optimistic about our current situation because I think they are going to pull out all the stops to cheat. He really might steal the election…

But if he doesn’t steal the election he’s been under investigations both the ones we know about and the ones we don’t for years at this point. It’s not optimistic to point out that a prosecutor that bags Trump is going to get a huge boost to their political career. They are hugely incentivized to not just charge him, but to be the one that slaps on the cuffs. The photo op value is crazy. He’s also guilty of about 2500 different state/federal crimes lol.

So I think the outcomes here are pretty polarized. Either they steal it and we go full fash, in which case he’ll absolutely die in office, or he loses and goes to prison.

He’s obviously going to be getting sued in civil court forever, but for him that’s normal. His real problems are the criminal charges many of which he’s just ridiculously flagrantly guilty of. For him the best choice is exile if he loses.

Like even if he is somehow criminally charged, there will be a plea deal where he does no jail time. Maybe has to give up assets or roll on some people. Thats like the top 1% of outcomes. There is just no way a former president is going to go to jail.

If you try to picture the mechanics of it you will see its true. No way they could guarantee his safety, and what are the secret service members going to rotate shifts being in jail?

I’d make peace with him not going to jail because its just not gonna happen.

I agree and have said the same thing about the prosecutor, that’s a one way ticket to being a presidential candidate. But when I imagined it actually happening I realized there is just no way.

That prosecutor/AG might be super incentivized to go after him, but the people above them and the establishment will pressure them to make a deal to avoid jail time. Like do you see Nancy and Joe just letting Trump go to jail? I don’t, they will put enormous pressure on the prosecutor to cut a deal.

Then like I said almost any jury is going to have a trumper or two who will vote to acquit regardless. Hell maybe even some none Trumpers won’t want to send the president to jail. Only about 50% of the people in this country actually want to see Trump in jail so good luck getting a jury of 12 people to all agree on it.

Why would this ambitious prosecutor do a plea deal with Donald? Other people will get plea deals for ratting on him. Being the one with his head on their wall is the whole point.

They have protective custody in prison. We’re in a totally unprecedented situation where the former president killed hundreds of thousands of Americans basically in cold blood.

You’re right that he probably won’t go to jail, he’ll probably flee the country.

The establishment of this country NEEDS trump to go to jail. Trump is not Nixon. Nixon was the epitome of a GOP insider and no doubt knew tons of stuff about tons of people. Trump is an outsider who came in, crashed their party, and spent 10 good years of status quo in under 4. It’s not just that the Democratic establishment has zero problems with him going to jail, the GOP establishment is just as pissed behind closed doors.

It’s not about Trump of course. It’s about discouraging future Trump’s from using the same strategy to hijack the base of one of the major political parties. Trump has to be completely destroyed as does everyone in his family and his entire inner circle. His pardon of Stone probably won’t hold up long term because of the same reasons. It’s very important once this is over for people to not think that this is a viable option.

I 100% agree he needs to go to jail, I just can’t see it happening. Oddly enough it would be the best thing ever for Republicans. All the people who switched to Biden recently would come screaming back with a vengeance. Though all the shit thats going to come out if Biden wins, all the horrors of this admin, coming out in court, should make 2022 a slam dunk for dems.

Even a lot of the people voting for Biden would think putting Trump in jail is super insane though.

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I’m more hopeful Barr goes to jail but I’m not sure of any laws hes actually broken. Barr going to jail would be almost as satisfying as trump. And if trump loses I dont think he pardons him because he will see barr as having failed him and a loser.

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@BoredSocial has been infected with lawbrovid. RIP


I love how inso is so casually ■■■■■■


If he recovers he will say god was testing his resolve and will still be against wearing mask.

Eh. The ‘fuck you no’ cheat code really only works when you’re the most powerful person in the world and the full weight and power of the executive branch can be forced to enable you. Put a Democratic admin in there and be a private citizen and you discover just how fast the state can crush you flatter than a pancake.

Law is very slow if you have the resources to fight it, but the consequences it can give you are pretty extreme as well. It’s an important part of my first post that these state AG’s have been sharpening their knives waiting for him to not be POTUS anymore. These charges are already spring loaded. If he stays more than a few days he’s going to get a perp walk.

I’m pretty sure the lawbro’s call isn’t ‘this dude is getting on a plane for Moscow at the first opportunity’… which is my take. I don’t think he’s going to go to jail, I want to be really clear about that… but I think that if he tries to stay he definitely goes to jail.

As someone that believes in science, the rushed nature of a vaccine on a ~1 year timeline is actually why I DONOTWANT to go first. There are very good reasons why it normally takes 4-5 years. (Politics aside*)

I can isolate/mask for as additional six months to watch and wait. I can see foresee travel coming back for work so out of economic necessity I could move up my timeline and take the leap.

*Of course a Trump rushed is very different than a Biden rushed vaccine. I won’t be in the first wave anyhow cause I won’t be showing my trump vote at the poll in order to receive my shot.