COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Drinks only served by cocktail waitresses. You can’t sit at the bar and drink (or play video poker on bartop machines).

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When the answer to the question “But how much did you lose?” Is “my life” then that’s a no from me, dog


Pastors over represented as nominees

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The thing about college football is that the constant testing and rigid protocols of what these kids can and can’t do in their off hours - probably amounts to much less danger than whatever 99% of them are doing in the absence of college football.

Other than the team workouts, the excess load on hearts, and the um contact nature of the sport.

If they do their job correctly then their will continue to be a bunch more cancelled games. We will see what happens when it comes to “big games”. Bama-auburn really going to postpone late in the season?

I also seriously doubt the peripheral staff will get the same testing and tracing care as the players and the coaches.

What everyone misses in this equation- players doing stuff on their own time = their own fault. Players getting sick on team time= massive liability risk to the school.

I don’t know about you but after watching my school pay at 9 figures for the Nassar shit I don’t want to see Penn St Pitt etc in PA spend taxpayer money on huge Covid lawsuits.

I think it’s unknowable which is “safer”. Seems like a self serving argument from coaches with no facts in evidence.

Reminder that 2 Power 5 schools, OK St and LSU, have already had 50+ case outbreaks.

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lol covid liability

It was flavoraid not koolaid

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Grizzle was such a scumbag, especially to dealers.

One of my dealer buddies stacked grizzle online and took us out for nice steaks as payment for all the suffering we had to put up with dealing to him.


I do recall some dealers enjoying his losing.

That Pastors wife can get fucked:


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The thing I don’t understand is I would have thought having compassion and empathy for your fellow humans would be like the number 1 qualification for leading a church.

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from Imgflip Meme Generator

Ohhhh, so close


Number 2 qualification then.

ETA: is being a pastor in a small or even mid size local church lucrative?

Humans have colonized the planet Pern in the Rukbat star system, but have lost much of their technology and history (including their origin on Earth) due to periodic onslaughts of Thread, a mycorrhizoid spore that voraciously consumes all organic material, including humans and their crops, given the opportunity. Thread comes from the Red Star , actually another planet. The Red Star has a 250-Turn (Pernese year) elliptic orbit around Rukhbat, and when its orbit brings it close enough, Thread rains down on Pern at predictable intervals over about 50 Turns.

Make Pern Great Again

You think if the McCaffreys were still writing the series they’d have a new book about how some Pernians didn’t want to stay inside and let the dragons burn up all the threadfall because freedom and also the threadfall is a hoax even though they watched it land on and kill everything? Or nah?